07-27-2004, 05:16 PM
Ever since I've been working at the place I work, I've had this little gnat which has buzzed about me.
Well, this little gnat likes to throw her nasty body around to get guys to do what she wants, but simply put: I don't even notice when the girl I like flurts, muchless would I notice the gnat.
Now this girl beleives that if any man does not do what she says she should be allowed to "cut his balls off", because all men are supposed to bow at her feet.
This attitude doesn't work with me...
Ever since I've been working there she's not liked me, & therefore spends at least 1-2 days out of each 4 day week trying to p!ss me off becuase I told her I have a bad temper. And then outside our work room where others can hear what she says, she acts like my best friend.
Well, yesterday, the A/C at work was busted so I was already a little on edge, & she pushed me over the edge, I was fed up with all her indirect threats to beat me up & cut my balls off & I jumpped across a pallet board, landed right next to her & told her that if she wanted to start some sh!t this was the time, I wasn't backing down & was about to kick her sorry little a$s.
Needless to say all she did was say I wasn't worth her time & then she went to the boss & told him, & then tried to tell my MOTHER.
But, what she doesn't know is the fact that she's been lying on her time card is known by half the people out there, & therefore the when they go to off someone she's next.
And my mom told her basicly to shut up, then collected information & said a couple of others had over heard her constant slandering of my work performance, & therefore they knew what I did was coming & knew that it was due to provocation.
But, atleast now I don't think she'll start any crap
And best of all my constant planing of intimidation has worked... Muwahahaha...what I mean by this is, after spending so much time peed off at the drop of a hat, I know automatical switch over to a voice a million times deeper than my own & constantly ramble on at about 4-5 words a second about killing the person who annoys me & then give a sadistic laugh (none of the above was used, I never threatened her life, nope not at all >.> <.< if I had I'd be fired...). I figure this will come in handy next year at school when the a$sholes decide to run across the table while my friends & I are trying to play cards, or the next time a bunch of jocks try to pick on me
And the gnat I reffer to is at the most 5 foot tall & 130 puonds, while I am over 6 foot tall, 220 pounds, & full of fighting fury
Sorry, just needed to rant about that.
Well, this little gnat likes to throw her nasty body around to get guys to do what she wants, but simply put: I don't even notice when the girl I like flurts, muchless would I notice the gnat.
Now this girl beleives that if any man does not do what she says she should be allowed to "cut his balls off", because all men are supposed to bow at her feet.
This attitude doesn't work with me...
Ever since I've been working there she's not liked me, & therefore spends at least 1-2 days out of each 4 day week trying to p!ss me off becuase I told her I have a bad temper. And then outside our work room where others can hear what she says, she acts like my best friend.
Well, yesterday, the A/C at work was busted so I was already a little on edge, & she pushed me over the edge, I was fed up with all her indirect threats to beat me up & cut my balls off & I jumpped across a pallet board, landed right next to her & told her that if she wanted to start some sh!t this was the time, I wasn't backing down & was about to kick her sorry little a$s.
Needless to say all she did was say I wasn't worth her time & then she went to the boss & told him, & then tried to tell my MOTHER.
But, what she doesn't know is the fact that she's been lying on her time card is known by half the people out there, & therefore the when they go to off someone she's next.
And my mom told her basicly to shut up, then collected information & said a couple of others had over heard her constant slandering of my work performance, & therefore they knew what I did was coming & knew that it was due to provocation.
But, atleast now I don't think she'll start any crap

And best of all my constant planing of intimidation has worked... Muwahahaha...what I mean by this is, after spending so much time peed off at the drop of a hat, I know automatical switch over to a voice a million times deeper than my own & constantly ramble on at about 4-5 words a second about killing the person who annoys me & then give a sadistic laugh (none of the above was used, I never threatened her life, nope not at all >.> <.< if I had I'd be fired...). I figure this will come in handy next year at school when the a$sholes decide to run across the table while my friends & I are trying to play cards, or the next time a bunch of jocks try to pick on me

And the gnat I reffer to is at the most 5 foot tall & 130 puonds, while I am over 6 foot tall, 220 pounds, & full of fighting fury

Sorry, just needed to rant about that.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html