Anybody seen Blackjack perfect OVA? (FX or MI)
I have seen that this set has been available forever, but no one has posted a review... I am mainly curious if they ever fixed the lack of subtitles on the FX version. I also know that there does exist a MI version and I was wondering if anyone has that one and if it has subs or not. I really am curious about this series, but I must have my subs!!!
I have the Fx set and it doesn't have the subs. I haven't heard anything about a remastered set so I don't think they have a version with the subs. I personally thought the dub wasn't bad but it seems thats not your thing.
I actually got one in the mail today and it dose not have subs. i dident know about this until today. why in the hell would they do that!!!!
Quote:Originally posted by vonhufflepuff
I actually got one in the mail today and it dose not have subs. i dident know about this until today. why in the hell would they do that!!!!

Well, I knew that the source material did NOT have any subs, and since FX doesn't do their own subs, I figured it was a problem that wouldn't get fixed.
I guess my real question is if anyone has seen the MI set. I am sure it is an FX rip, but MI does add subs, at least Chinese, and I have seen it listed on other sites and they said it has Chinese/English subs, but you know that you can never be sure until someone actually has seen it...
The MI set does not have subs, which is because the OVAs are actually ripped from R2s(Japan). It also only has 1-6, the last 4 episodes have yet to be dubbed, but are in the process. 7 is coming soon I think, maybe after all that's done you can expect a re-master. Black Jack is great stuff, I'm getting the R1s with reservations, I don't know why they couldn't put 2 eps on a DVD like the other releases Sad

And to stop anyone complaining that 2 eps is tiny, each episode is about 50-60 mins.
I was thinking about asking about the Blackjack OVA here I'll just bump this instead of a new topic.

So anyway has anyone besides FX done a rip of Blackjack OVA yet? Or...

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