hey i was just wondering
hello as i was looking at posted messages by users a lot of them seem to have a picture by their name in the column on the right.if any one can just tell me how to do that it would be a great help.also i see pictures below their posted messages.how do you get these?:confused:
Once the threads of fate are tangled they can never be undone..
Magic. We have these little pictures because of MAGIC . The all mighty Lucifer grants us magical picture posting powers if we let him have our souls. I say that is a small price to pay.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
the answer you seek is on this web site, it hides it does. plus, selling your soul is necessary. I've even done it twice i hope he doesn't find out, he'll be pissed.
i suggest you ask your older brother, i'm sure he can help you out, maybe you could sell your soul to him
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
I also want one, maybe I will make one later, but first im off to my alter to cast some "magic"
Love, Gruce

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