Finally !
Schultz - I have an AMD and have never had a probelm, however, if you are going to get AMD, get a Abit mobo. They are the best and most simple to use. AMD processors are extreamly easy to install.

Nina - No problem, hope you like your new computers. If I hadnt built my computer for my senior project, I prob. would have gotten the Dell gaming computer.
Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
Schultz - I have an AMD and have never had a probelm, however, if you are going to get AMD, get a Abit mobo. They are the best and most simple to use. AMD processors are extreamly easy to install.

Well i have seen many friends that have had there motherboard cause problems.. one friend his ATA controller went out and started giving weird read / write errors to his disk on his mb..

Another friends (note this is long ago) his 3dfx 3500 would absolutly not work with his AMD board and chipset. and also 1 of his memory connections on his MB went out.. he had alot of problems with it..

And i have seen many others.. Also i like how AMD's if something goes wrong with your CPU fan can basically fry your CPU and MB.. while P4's would lower speed and such..

For me i just like higher quality of Intel.. And anymore processors are the same prices..

Though i will admit i am looking at building a AMD64 machine to try the 64bit processor out with linxu.. Since microsoft don't have a true 64bit os out yet..

Nina182B - It depends on what server you are playing on.. I only played on Napa Valley if that is still there.. Also i was playing when they changed from the old rank system to the new one with karma's etc.. and that you actually had murder counts etc.. I played the game from when it started for like 3 years.. they just messed it up way too much..
the thing with the 64 bit processors is that the soft ware that utilizes it is next to none. thats the great thing about amd all of thier 64's are also capable of running 32 bit soft ware, so you will be able to merge with the transition from 32 to 64. Longhorn is a long aways away. i'm starting to use redhat, and knopix(i like knopix because you can load it from a cd.)
I've never had problems with amd processors and motherboards. i use amd for graphic processing, where as i would use intel processors for data processing
Hay u shud all get quad prossessors, my m8 told me bout these and according to him the mother board which is like £400, can hold four prossessors at up to 3.2 ghz. Which wud make an impressive total of 12.8 not too shabby. Then all u need is a few gigs of ram and a water cooler. I h8 fans they really get on my nearves.
now that is a system i wont mind having.
it wouldn't do you any good, are you going to run a data center host an email server? you would need to use an operating system that would utilize that many processors and your normal OS doesn't. i think advance server only uses 2 and data center does 4 or more, i can't remember(thats only a few products). plus you wouldn't need to water cool the processors, water cooling is only for over clocking a processor, and if you mess up you'll fry your whole computer if the water leaks. and if you don't like the noise the fans make get a case and power supply that uses 120 millimeter fans, virtually no noise. plus put heat pipes on your graphics card. thats what i use.
hay soz but i dont really know that much bout em i just thought the more ghz the faster it is and thats allways a bonus. I was just going on by what my friend said to me.

Plus so is say 110 better than 120 or is 130 better
israfel is right.. if you have quad processors they only help when i program and Os can take support of them.. and they don't make anything faster they just make things be able to handle more things at once.. So if one processor is full doing this.. it still has another processer to handle other things etc.. that is why they are good for Email servers, web servers, (key words here Servers) you don't just add them up..

And israfel that is why i was talking about running it in Linux because with gcc you can compile programs to use 64bit stuff but not all programs speed up.. I read a good article about it also the binary files for 64bit processors will be larger so they will take up more disk space also..

And yea i know Knoppix played around with it.. I perfer Slackware as my distro but that is because i use it only for a server and not a desktop. I am going to add a duel boot system of Gentoo i think. Since i run that on my xbox and have been liking it so far..
I'm a little late here but...

My Athlon Processor and Soyo Mb work great together. Th eguy that installed my roadrunner had to restart my PC and when it loaded up he siad "holy shit this thing loads fast". It was hilarious.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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