Finally !
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan

non-functioning floppy with led always on :p

Connection 100MBPS but capped 30MBPS upload :mad:

One thing just curious on the Floppy only time i have ever seen that was when the Floppy ribbon was put on backwards on one of the ends.. For some reason the light was always on.. Just might be something worth checking out?

Also where you get 100Mbit/s connection you living in a school dormitory or what?

Also only thing that i hate about sony is my friend bought a brand new viao and it still only went to 1024x768 max screen resolution.. which was the same as my old ass sony laptop.. I didn't get another one for that reason.. went with a Dell which has a 1600x1200 max screen resolution..
Which of course makes me think I need glasses looking at it. But you were always the one to have it that high. After my time here in the dessert I will have the money to build a new PC. Any place to suggest I get the parts from online. Also I want the old Intel 3.0ghz with HT technology. What was the pin size again Schultz? That way I can buy it online...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Go to, that is the best site because they have no sales tax and no shipping plus the best prices.
Fahad: I couldn't afford the sony laptop but it was was £500 cheaper when i was in hong kong. But yeah sony stuff is just so sexy... But once u buy some of their stuff the accessories cost a bomb, like the extended life battery which cost me US$500 / UK£275 V_V;

Quote:One thing just curious on the Floppy only time i have ever seen that was when the Floppy ribbon was put on backwards on one of the ends.. For some reason the light was always on.. Just might be something worth checking out?

I guessed as much as it was one of the few bits i installed myself... i kinda screw everything up i install. I tried correcting the speaker & mic jumpers as they did not work. I managed but they are now reversed but at least working. I installed a dvd writer and did it perfect and the fuse of the monitor blew. Rolleyes

The case of my pc is a bitch to open & close so i'll take a look next time i have no choice but to open it. But thanks for the advice. ^_^

Quote:Also where you get 100Mbit/s connection you living in a school dormitory or what?
Sorry i meant 10mbps. I did have about 500mbs when i was in hong kong as i was staying in a high rise flat and my sony has a wireless lan card and was stealing 3 connections from neighbours simultaneously. Laptop wasn't fast enough to take advantage of it but still...

Quote:Also only thing that i hate about sony is my friend bought a brand new viao and it still only went to 1024x768 max screen resolution.. which was the same as my old ass sony laptop.. I didn't get another one for that reason.. went with a Dell which has a 1600x1200 max screen resolution..
Oh my max is about 1500 but my problem is the reverse as everything is too small even if it does look really good. But if i change it to something like 1200 that i am more used to it looks screwed up. Tongue

My sis just got a dell and i have to say that performance wise hers was actually better than mine, musta been cos her processor was pentium and mine a centrino.
My Specs:

AMD XP 2600+ FSB 333Mhz
MBoard Asus A7N8X Deluxe
512MB DDR400 (2x256MB)
Chaintech Geforce 3 Ti 200 128MB
Sony Dru 530a 8x +R/-R 4x -RW/+RW
Maxtor 160GB ATA133 IDE
Seagate 120GB SATA
Seagate 160GB SATA
Philips 107E4 17" CRT
Onboard audio
Creative 4point Surround (really old)
Wireless 54MBps Network

I guess that's all. I need an updateBig Grin
Ehh, I won't bother listing my specs since my laptop is pretty old. I have a gateway solo 1200. My boyfriend keeps bugging me to buy him alienware but I don't wanna spend a couple of grand to make him happy. Geez, I'd rather he wants a sony or dell.
alienware isn't worth it you could build a better computer for cheaper.
then buy the case.
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
My boyfriend keeps bugging me to buy him alienware but I don't wanna spend a couple of grand to make him happy. Geez, I'd rather he wants a sony or dell.

Why are you buying him that anyways? I'd never ask my girl to buy me anything, much less a $3000 alienware computer.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Why are you buying him that anyways? I'd never ask my girl to buy me anything, much less a $3000 alienware computer.

He's been taking care of all my expenses for the past couple of monthes. I'm gonna start my first real job soon. He's big on Ultima Online and other computer games and is being a baby about this Alienware. I've seen pictures of it and it does look nice but I would rather get him a cheaper computer that probably works just the same.
Ailenware is the biggest ripoff, if you want a good computer and dont want to build it, go to They have awsome computers at awsome prices.
Alienware is too damn expensive you are just paying for the name and the bragging rights if you look at it that way you can find many pc's that are awesome for gaming.. Also Dell has a new line for strictly gaming computers if you don't wish to build your own.. Also i didn't know anyone still played UO. I quit that game almost 5 years ago..

Actually Centrino isn't bad at all for Processors i do know that Intel is going to actually quite with the P4 structure of processer and start using the Mobile processors technology as there main desktop processors..
I would use AMD for a processor if you want a gameing machine. Also, the Dell gaming computers are really good for how much you pay, they could be better, but they are pretty sweet.
Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
I would use AMD for a processor if you want a gameing machine. Also, the Dell gaming computers are really good for how much you pay, they could be better, but they are pretty sweet.

I don't know i still think i would go with an Intel especially with the ones that are in those dell's the Extream Editions they have 2mb of L2 cache on the chip.. Those damn things fly and are expensive as heck to buy over the normal ones..

One thing i have never cared for about AMD is the quality of there Chipsets on the motherboards.. I have seen more people have motherboard problems with AMD chipsets..
Thanks for the computer info Schultz & Spike.. I am looking at the dell computers right now. Schultz, I've been playing UO for a couple of months and I suck at it. I haven't killed anybody yet, but my boyfriend's been playing for 6 or 7 years I think. If you played that while back, maybe you know Astax then. He really hates it now with all the updates and how easy it is for people to buy their skills. Anyway, I think I'll just get two of the dell computers since I need a new one too, instead of alienware. :p

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