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well, i've never heard of two male animals trying to mate with each other. i mean, dogs hump shit, but that's not really trying to mate and that doesn't really make them gay. the only animal i've heard of that shows gay tendency are dolphins, i also heard that they are the only animals that mate for pleasure which i think has a lot to do with it.
uno...dos...tres...el shoompo
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Hmmm... bi-curious eh? as for myself, I used to wonder if I was gay/bi.. eventually I realized that I found the idea of that pretty gross/unnatural. Not to say that I dislike gays, bi's, etc... a person's preference doesn't ever entirely define him/her. A person's sexual preference/attraction to whichever sex is something I think is what that person has been born to. Unless they've been conditioned to it, in which case I'd think it was unnatural.
As for finding girl-on-girl stuff more appealing than guys. Of course it's more appealing! Because as we all know, girls are beautiful

, and I'm not sure, but I don't think girl stuff usually includes "butt-plugging" in the process.
Hey, has anyone seen the movie "Chasing Amy?"
and oh ya, i'm new. Heya to everybody, you guys have got a sw33t board going on here
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Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
All girls are bi, thats one mystery of the universe I have solved already ^_~
no wonder when u watch porn with a girl how she likes the girl girl scenes more ;p
Sorry I joined in so late on this topic. I have to agree with JJ, it amazes me how many girls at my school I see holding hands and toching eachother. I wish they would do it more!

Anyway, I think girl on girl action is hot, nothing better. *DROOL*
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I think girl on girl stuff was pretty interesting when I first saw them but now I can't really watch it for more than a minute. It gets kinda lame and they all do the same things pretty much - lick here, kiss there.. maybe use accessories. But it's pretty predicatable in my opinion. The only time I'll keep watching is if the actresses have a really pretty face.
I agree that all girls have potential to be bi.. Mostly all of my girlfriends appreciate beautiful things, and that includes beautiful women and pretty faces, so it isn't shocking for girls to become curious and see what it's like to kiss a girl and possibly do other things. I think I was a sophomore in college when I started to worry about stuff like that. I was actually scared that I was bi because I kept noticing pretty women and thinking "What would it be like if she and I were to..." I talked to my boyfriend about it and he was pretty amused. I don't think I'll sexually experiment another female though. I might kiss one - my boyfriend has been asking to see me and my best friend make out

But anything else further than that will feel like cheating to me.
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Quote:Originally posted by Andromeda18_
Of course animals aren't gay! Animals will always copulate with animals of the opposite sex, it's their instinct to do so and that's how they pass on their genes. They do display homosexual behaviour because they also have sex with animals of the same sex but sex with animals of the opposite sex will always take precedence. And just about all sort of animals display (let's put it this way) bi-sexual behaviour. It's not something that happens as a rule (such as sex to procriate) but it does happen.
I saw a documentary with this ram that ONLY had sex with other male rams even though there were females around him all the time... He just never did... There are also these two male swans that live on a pond like a couple...
As for all people being bi, its not true as I'm gay and never fancied a woman!
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07-14-2004, 10:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2004, 10:13 AM by Andromeda18_.)
Quote:Originally posted by gubi-gubi
I saw a documentary with this ram that ONLY had sex with other male rams even though there were females around him all the time... He just never did... There are also these two male swans that live on a pond like a couple...
As for all people being bi, its not true as I'm gay and never fancied a woman!
You know, I was talking about animals in a general way. There can be and are exceptions in the animal kingdom. The majority of animals copulate with the opposite sex to pass on their genes (survival of the species is prioritary), which doesn't mean there aren't exceptions. In the same way, animals normally hunt/kill other animals in order to feed or to protect their territory but there have been reported situations in which some animals killed other animals with no apparent purpose. They just killed them and let them be, without eating them. This is not an animal's usual behaviour and since animals don't have our kind of intelligence we can't say they did it because they're evil or something like that. It's an exception to what normally happens in Nature which so far has puzzled scientists because it goes against animals' natural instinct.
In human beings homosexuality and heterosexuality occur naturally and are independent of whatever instinctive impulses we might have to procriate but that happens because we're intelligent and conscient of ourselves. We are able (thanks to our developed brain) to overcome , at least some, of our biological instincts. This is not the case with animals. Even if they mate with the same sex, the majority won't be able to avoid mating with the opposite sex.
I'm hetero and I've never fancied a woman either, which doesn't stop me from saying people's true nature is bi. However, like someone already said most of us are inclined more to one side or the other and end up completely excluding the other side. IMO this is a process that happens in our subconscious therefore we're not aware of it.