Summer Classes

tomorrow i start some web design classes to get my ass off the ground and finaly start my company ! im set for classes for the next 5 weekends they are from 9-5 long ass classes. but hopefully i will learn so i can blow my company out and get into the Multimedia World. well is any one else taking any classes this summer ?

oh and tomorrow after class i have to work from 5:00-9:30 so i have a long ass day with no break for food.

so so so sad.

speak dog's speak...

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Wait till you get to java... when I took web design in college they only gave us 2 days to learn basic javascript. Javascript is a pain in the ass, you can ask anyone who messes with it. For the record my HTML class was only 10 weeks long. Tomorrow I am gonna see if I can get a job so I can feed my anime habit by working all day long.
Well im not taking a class, but I am working as a TA for a summer animation class. Plus I get paid! BO-YA!
i'm currently taking a visual basic class and a web design class.

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