Vandread Question
Could someone please tell me which order I should watch the different Vandread series?

Also, include any info you have on the HK rips if you have time.

Vandread, then Vandread Second Stage.
I believe that hk dvd of vandread sucks, but I got the svcd rip of the R2 with fansubs script is and it absolutelyt amazing. I think vandread second stage is a save buy.
What about the OVA & 'The beginning' DVDs? are they worth getting?

Thanks for the info!
OAV? never heard of it, there some Vandread Inter-something or rather... what is it is just cut and paste of animation from the series into some episode... preview? or like overview of the first season before u watch the second one?
I think the begnning is the summary of vandread seson 1 into a movie
yeah, the ova isn't worth watching. watch vandread stage 1 then vandread stage 2. the middle stage (ova) aired in japan to summarize stage 1 for people who were tuning in for the second season.
I have the Vandread Integral OAV, subs on it are better than they were on the first seasons HK's, but the story is kinda told wierdly, its all mixed up heh. As far as I know Vandread "The Beggining" (By MI) isn't out yet, Not sure if its the same thing as Integral or not, but if it isnt, I wanna pick it up heh.

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