FX Tv Rips
You do sound like you're babbling. And why don't you just read the reviews on here to answer your questions about a specific set like the Cowboy Bebop and Trigun ones you're talking about.

I had those sets in the past. You're getting ripped off badly. There are no dubs on there. All 45 people that took time out of their day to write reviews for that set are lieing. Rolleyes

and FX TV rips ive come across are rips of MI or MAC sets eg GITS SAC (FX ripped MI)

but the ive never come across a perfect collection that wasnt a DVD rip and without dual audio (eng/Jap)
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

yes now i am finally feelin like myself.....well i jus got the dvds today, and yes they are dubbed and yes they are dvd rips....so i guess dat answered my question, i found nothing wrong with dem at all so i dats good...rite?
That certainly sounds goodSmile

On arcticnightfall there was a member who has conections with Flora. He started a poll to see if people would be interested in R2 rips with fansubs from FX. Only titles with no licence in the US and there must be no good sets on the market yet. He asked which of these 3 titles people were most interested in: "Full Metal Alchemist", "Scrapped Princess" or "ROD tv". So it might not be to long till we see FX R2 rips.

If people want ot read the thread here it is: http://www.arcticnightfall.com/boards/sh...adid=17044

It did get a little out of hand though.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
So it might not be to long till we see FX R2 rips.

We've already seen some FX R2 rips, including the Cowboy Bebop movie, a Hentai movie or two, GITS SAC, I my mE, .hack (however, that was an AV TV-rip I think), Inu Yasha Movies, Love Hina Again, One Piece, ROD OVA and a Weis Kruez OVA. So it's not like we haven't already seen them, we'll just see more.
You're right. I forgot about those. I stand corrected.

Still, it will be nice to see some more R2 rips instead of all the tv rips made by the other companies.

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