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Next time you see a box anywhere in the US that's marked Tom's Foods, just think who may have sorted it  .
Same with if you see a small bag of chips that read 99cents, but somewhere with 2 inches of that there is a sticker that reads 79 cent. Just think of who may have put that their.
*Stand big & tall* Although the stickers are supposed to be right ontop of the original price, but still I got the job done.
Yeah, thought I'd tell you people what I do.
I take a bunch of crappy boxes, take out the old delapidated ones, then put the rest into one of four piles: 25s 15-Bs 3s & 49s. After those piles get to high we then move them from the piles to the pallets, & when they get about 7 feet tall we have to use a dolly like thing to take them to the middle of the room. We still have three huge-@ss rooms of folded boxes to go, & we're supposed to o 600 an hour, which is really easy, but painful. I did about 86*14 boxes yestarday.
And if they need someone for stickers like they did yestarday, then they pull us off to sit in a chair & put stickers on bags. Now by this I mean the bags are still just sheets of plastic like material of a big wheel that turn at about 10-12 per minute, which isn't to hard, plus if you miss them it's no big deal.
And last there's the really hard labor from what I hear although everytime I walk by my sister is sitting down back their :mad: . This place is shipping. It pays 7 bucks an hour compared to the 5.50 I get an hour for sorting & stickering. In shipping all I know is you throw boxes either up to aconvaerbelt (sp?) from a truck, or I would think it to be the other way around.
Anyways, I've got to go. Peace Out, & have fun during your summer vacation, one day you'll feel you didn't get enough of them, then pay day comes along  .
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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wow, that sounds tough. i worked for my roommate last week.. only for 3 days.. we had to unload books from boxes and stack them up according to how used the books were. it sounds easy enough but with the repetition, and if you're constantly standing, it gets to you. hope you get through yours.
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I used to work in a parts garage lifting all kinds of car parts. I mainly lifted stuff that weighed 200 plus pounds. I worked without air conditioning and lunch. I made about 1000 bucks every 2 weeks though. I quit after a month cause I was unable to walk after the 5th week. I wish I had your boxing job.
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05-26-2004, 04:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-26-2004, 04:58 PM by Batz Kage.)
All was dandy today till I lowered a 150-200 (more like 75-100, but still) pound piece of metal down on my toe  Luckly it didn't get me to bad. Then they fired 3 of the workers, so now there's only 3-4 of us left to empty out 3 huge, bigger than my house, rooms full of folded boxes.
I sympythiese(screw spelling) with any human being out there who has had to work at a job that requires them to repeat a really really really boring process while having to stand.
And Tsunami, I only wish I were strong enough to do the job you had, but I'm a bit weak. I worked one 10 hour day, then two 9s, & tomarrow I'm only working 8 because my mom is getting off early.
Funny thing is my dad met my mom while working there; my aunt works there, my mom still does, & my sister also works there. I also think one of the others there is my cousin.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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dude these days of cheap young age slave labour are only gonna get worse i once workrd in a sandwich factory and had to lift 10kg buckets of mayo etc 5 stcks high (nowwa days thats a doddle due to gym, but back then i was a weed)
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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when the chinese first came to america, they were able to do long boring hours of repetative work because they used opium. some think this is why it was illegalized (chinese stealing jobs). so im thinking, if you got some opium, youd be all set right?
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
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You guys might not be seeing as much of me anymore either since I just started a new job today too. I'm still gonna check in daily, but I'm gonna be dead tired after waking up early in the morning, so I might not be able to make the same number or length of posts as I have in the past.
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hm, odd thread to post that in....."next time you see a box, vicious wont be around much anymore."
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
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Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
You guys might not be seeing as much of me anymore either since I just started a new job today too. I'm still gonna check in daily, but I'm gonna be dead tired after waking up early in the morning, so I might not be able to make the same number or length of posts as I have in the past.
Well, we know what Batz his new job is now. What's yours?
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Quote:Originally posted by Vile
when the chinese first came to america, they were able to do long boring hours of repetative work because they used opium. some think this is why it was illegalized (chinese stealing jobs). so im thinking, if you got some opium, youd be all set right?
Didn't that kill people in Kenshin?
And like elcoholic said, Vicious, what's your new job buddy. *laughs at the thought that Vicious could be flipping burgers*
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Didn't that kill people in Kenshin?
Not just in Kenshin:p
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Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
Not just in Kenshin:p
I get the feeling that I should have figured that one out when Vile suggested it to me.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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i assure you that was not a malicious post. we had it out and i told you i was going to antagonize you much less. i was just making a random joke. if it was malicious, i probably wouldve signed the post differently.
Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
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Quote:Originally posted by Vile
hm, odd thread to post that in....."next time you see a box, vicious wont be around much anymore."
I just figured I'd add on to his new job post, since I've never been big on starting threads to make a personal announcement.
My new job is doing some Tier 1 help desk work. It's mad entry level as far as IT goes, but it's a start. And I'm actually really happy, considering how hard it is to get any type of IT job in this area.
What sucks is that the company I'm working for just got bought out last week by a bigger company. So they don't know if our department will even exist in 3-4 months. I'll take it while it lasts. Hopefully they don't decide to outsource, thus eliminating our entire dept. :confused:
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Quote:Originally posted by Vile
i assure you that was not a malicious post. we had it out and i told you i was going to antagonize you much less. i was just making a random joke. if it was malicious, i probably wouldve signed the post differently.
When I first read it I thought it was a joking comment, then it hit me to that opium kills:confused: , so I started to think. Good to hear it wasn't meant to be offensive.
As for Vicious, I hope your job goes well, & you're still emplodied after all the changes have taken place.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.
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