05-26-2004, 02:06 AM
Next time you see a box anywhere in the US that's marked Tom's Foods, just think who may have sorted it
Same with if you see a small bag of chips that read 99cents, but somewhere with 2 inches of that there is a sticker that reads 79 cent. Just think of who may have put that their.
*Stand big & tall* Although the stickers are supposed to be right ontop of the original price, but still I got the job done.
Yeah, thought I'd tell you people what I do.
I take a bunch of crappy boxes, take out the old delapidated ones, then put the rest into one of four piles: 25s 15-Bs 3s & 49s. After those piles get to high we then move them from the piles to the pallets, & when they get about 7 feet tall we have to use a dolly like thing to take them to the middle of the room. We still have three huge-@ss rooms of folded boxes to go, & we're supposed to o 600 an hour, which is really easy, but painful. I did about 86*14 boxes yestarday.
And if they need someone for stickers like they did yestarday, then they pull us off to sit in a chair & put stickers on bags. Now by this I mean the bags are still just sheets of plastic like material of a big wheel that turn at about 10-12 per minute, which isn't to hard, plus if you miss them it's no big deal.
And last there's the really hard labor from what I hear although everytime I walk by my sister is sitting down back their :mad: . This place is shipping. It pays 7 bucks an hour compared to the 5.50 I get an hour for sorting & stickering. In shipping all I know is you throw boxes either up to aconvaerbelt (sp?) from a truck, or I would think it to be the other way around.
Anyways, I've got to go. Peace Out, & have fun during your summer vacation, one day you'll feel you didn't get enough of them, then pay day comes along

Same with if you see a small bag of chips that read 99cents, but somewhere with 2 inches of that there is a sticker that reads 79 cent. Just think of who may have put that their.
*Stand big & tall* Although the stickers are supposed to be right ontop of the original price, but still I got the job done.
Yeah, thought I'd tell you people what I do.
I take a bunch of crappy boxes, take out the old delapidated ones, then put the rest into one of four piles: 25s 15-Bs 3s & 49s. After those piles get to high we then move them from the piles to the pallets, & when they get about 7 feet tall we have to use a dolly like thing to take them to the middle of the room. We still have three huge-@ss rooms of folded boxes to go, & we're supposed to o 600 an hour, which is really easy, but painful. I did about 86*14 boxes yestarday.
And if they need someone for stickers like they did yestarday, then they pull us off to sit in a chair & put stickers on bags. Now by this I mean the bags are still just sheets of plastic like material of a big wheel that turn at about 10-12 per minute, which isn't to hard, plus if you miss them it's no big deal.
And last there's the really hard labor from what I hear although everytime I walk by my sister is sitting down back their :mad: . This place is shipping. It pays 7 bucks an hour compared to the 5.50 I get an hour for sorting & stickering. In shipping all I know is you throw boxes either up to aconvaerbelt (sp?) from a truck, or I would think it to be the other way around.
Anyways, I've got to go. Peace Out, & have fun during your summer vacation, one day you'll feel you didn't get enough of them, then pay day comes along