MAC's false advertising (Shamefull)
The juon movies being sold on this site are not the movies at all. They are the direct to video miniseries. It's a sick joke to fool people into buying a product that is not what it claim to be on the cover in fact the cover that is used is the one they use for the movie. In essence, there is no way to tell this is not the movie unles someone like me tells you it isn't. If had known that Juon 1 and 2 on this site were not the movies
I would not have bought them. I am not blaming Import anmie for this I'm blaming the source they recieved it from. I am warning everybody Juon 1 and 2 being sold on this site are not the movies.

TO JJ: you should put a some sort of sign on these particular items unless you want more unsatisfied custiomers.
It's all about the love Wink
crap !!!

I ordered it and it's on it's way !!!

Only Mac to do something like this

:mad: :mad: :mad:
You should do a review of the DVD to warn others poor shmucks! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Um, what's it like?
its good but it looks really low budget. and the scares are little lame. I think the movies will be much better If ever see them
It's all about the love Wink
Damnit!!!!! I was going to get them both since I finally have found a site that has those! ARGH!

When I saw the trailer for the first movie back in the summer it scared the #($#@ out of me. :eek:
im very intrigued by the commtion

now i wanna see the damn movies!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Here is the trailor for the first Ju-on movie.

that seels the deal!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

I don't think they were purposely trying to trick anyone, it's just that the people at MAC can, well be idiots.

When Vandread 1st Stage first got released MAC labelled it as Vandread 2nd Stage, they also listed FMP as FMP: Fumoffu on the Coming Soon list on their website. I bet they would have labelled it as Fumoffu once the set goes into printing if someone did not informed them of their mistake.

Inform them of the error and hopefully they will fix the problem.
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

sorta like their dbz dvds..

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