Chobits FX?
The new Chobits FX set has been on sale for a few days, so it's possible that a few people have already received their orders. For those of you who have it, or are expecting it, could you post some initial impressions of the set once you have a little time to check it out?

Chobits is a highly anticipated release, but that doesn't mean FX did a fantastic job with the rip. Hopefully this will be one of their better sets in recent months. Thanks!
Someone from AN posted a mini review. I'll copy and paste it.


Ok , just got it and this is a 1st look only

Video - Looks good - Anamorphic Widescreen ...but from the quick check i made o noticed a small touch of pixelation in a scene or 2.
Each DVD has 9 episodes (almost 220 minutes)

Audio - Eng / Jap Stereo 2.0

Subs - r1 rips

Extras : Just some Trailers

It contains 27 episodes (24 episodes + 3 others that are called something like "9.5" have a episode number plus .5) ... so i think that's all the serie includin the recaps. Am i right ???


Sounds good.
I was hoping I would be getting the FX set today by mail but it didn't it's likely it will come tomorrow. Hopefully the FX set has good video quality.Smile
i juss recieved it yesturday but i haven't had an opportunity to watch it yet. but the packagin looks really good.
Quote:Originally posted by CrazyPimpJL
i juss recieved it yesturday but i haven't had an opportunity to watch it yet. but the packagin looks really good.

Give us your thoughts on the video/subtitle quality when you get a chance, please!
ok this is for you bob. i watched the first four episodes. the video quality is excellent. there was no skips or pixelations. but i don't kno bout the rest. the subtitles were right on. no problems what so ever. the only thing is that the menu was slightly off where they highlight. but it's no biggie. u kno what your doing. over all for now. it's practically perfect.
well... i am almost in the end of the 2nd DVD and i must say that i definetily noticed pixealation and macroblocking in some scenes...specially in the 1st DVD (the 2nd seems better).

In my Widescreen TV it's pretty much noticeable the flickering / pixealation and some macroblocking.
It's not terrible by any means, but i noticed it in some scenes.

in my regular 4:3 Television where i watched 2 episodes it's nowhere near as noticeable (in fact i hardly noticed) depending on your setup you may notice it more than other ppl
I just noticed a small problem in the set...

In the 2nd DVD's Last episode the "next episode preview" stops having audio after about 1 or 2 seconds playing ,in one of my DVD players... in the other it blocks and won't play no more Sad

anyone else noticed this ?
Quote:Originally posted by The Swan
I just noticed a small problem in the set...

In the 2nd DVD's Last episode the "next episode preview" stops having audio after about 1 or 2 seconds playing ,in one of my DVD players... in the other it blocks and won't play no more Sad

anyone else noticed this ?

Just checked that and the audio goes out for me at that point too.
ok two things concerning this title the last 30 seconds of the 2nd disc during the preview for the next episode there is no audio and on disc 1 and 2 on the menu the cursor selector is off on most of the selections but on disc 3 its better but its still off a lil on the menu when you choose scenes in a chapter those are the only things wrong with the title it seems that everyone else that owns this has been experiencing these symptoms
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