Anime boxsets I should own...
Prior to purchasing any of these 'must have' anime boxsets, you may wish to preview some of the series. This way, it'll save you a bit of money as its always a disappointment to purchase something which you may be hyped to get but then find out its not your cup of tea.

This is not to say that any of the suggestions which have been made are not good. Its the opposite actually. These series are good (in my mind) however, everyone's taste in anime is different.

In any event and whatever you choose to do, enjoy. Smile
Tis a Point!

everyones taste is different!
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96
everyones taste is different!

That's why I've strayed away from giving recommendations. And I defiently aggree with elly's statement...
Quote:Originally posted by elly
In any event and whatever you choose to do, enjoy.

This has been my motto for watching anime (especially HK's)... sometimes you have to let go of dwelling over quality and just enjoy what your watching Wink.
Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
(especially HK's)... sometimes you have to let go of dwelling over quality and just enjoy what your watching Wink.

yeah exactly cos theres sooo much HK bitchin out there

Just be greatfull HK exists and you are gettin anime cheap!
so what if things a re pixelated here and there or engrishy(just wait for the perfect collection then)
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Quote:Originally posted by rav96
so what if things a re pixelated here and there or engrishy(just wait for the perfect collection then)
Just like Ikkitousen (my review is over in the latest reviews bar on the side). The quality isn't great, but I enjoyed it fully.

*edit* It's not on the side bar anymore. But you can check out my review here Wink.
yeah i bought that set! ( i think i requested aswell)

not watched it all yet (Trying to Revise)

Wooo Etchy action
Theres the...

Wrong way


Right way

then the...

Rav way!

Thanks you guys!!! Smile Big Grin Wink :p Cool Rolleyes
i've bought alot of anime from and i gotta say i loved all the anime i bought. they were all good. it juss simply depends on what style of anime u like. i like em all so i juss buy whatever i can. well here's my list and i'll rate em from 1 to 10. and tell you what type they are.

Outlaw Star (Adventure, sci-fi)- 9
Fruits Basket (Romantic Comedy, Action, History, Very Emotional)- 10
Ai Yori Aoshi (Romantic Comedy)- 8
Cowboy Bepop (Action,Sci- Fi, Martial Arts-Somewhat)- 9
Trigun (Comedy,Action, Sci-fi)- 8
Martian Successor Nadesico (Comedy, Action, Mecha, Sci-Fi,Romance) 8
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Sci-Fi, Action)-8
Rurouni Kenshin(Comedy, Action, History)-9.5
Vampire Hunter D(Gothic, Vampires??)-7
Martian Successor Nadesico Movie( Sci-Fi, Mecha)-7
Vandread 1st Stage( Mecha, Romantic Comedy)- 10
Vandread 2nd Stage(Mecha, Romantic Comedy)-10
Ceres Celestial Legends(A.K.A.) Ayashi No Ceres(Sci-Fi, Action, Romance)- 9
Initial D 1st Stage(Racing)- 9
Initial D 2nd Stage(Racing)-9
Inital D 3rd Stage-Movie-(Racing)-9.5
Initial D Extra Stage-Movie-(Racing)-7.5
Chobits(Sci-Fi, Romance, Comedy)-8.5
Rurouni Kenshin Movie,Ovas(Samurai, Romance, History)-10
Love Hina(Romance, Comedy)-9
Love Hina Ova(Romance, Comedy)-9
I My Me Strawberry Eggs(Comedy, Cross-Dressing)-9
Tenchi, All 3 Movies(Action, Comedy)-7
Voices Of a Distant Star(Romance, Sci-Fi, Mecha)-9.5
Neon Genesis Evangelion(Mecha, Action)-9
I like just about *most* of the anime that comes out!!! I'm not really into romantic anime however, unless it's something like Escaflowne or sumthin'!!! Anyways, do you guys think I should buy Gundam Wing, X TV, Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO), and the Hellsing series, or should I buy the entire Fist of the North Star series (152 episodes) plus OVA's and stuff!?!?!? Also, do you guys know whether they're going to finish dubbing FOTNS in English as shown on the Action Channel??? Smile Wink Rolleyes
I've seen X-tv and hellsing from your list and they are both very good with beatiful animation. GTO I've heard many good things about so that's a good buy. Gundam wing I saw bits from on tv and it didn't impress me alot. It seemed a very serious show. I think there are better mecha shows out there.

The dubbing of FotNS will probably never get finished. They dubbed the first 36 or 28 eps. I believe but manga (the publisher, not the HK brand) decided they wouldn't do the rest or they didn't have the license for it or something.
Crap, I wanted them to finish the dubbing of FOTNS!!! :mad: :eek: :o :confused: Anyways, does anyone know why they don't have a English dub for Shadow Skill out on HK??? I've seen it around on the Action Channel before though. :confused: :eek: Wink
because Shadow Skill is bloody aweful and the dub is twice as bad. (I've seen a strange England based English dub BAh made me want to kill myself)

How is the Fist of the North star series compared to the movie? I only ever saw a few episodes of it and didn't think much of it compared to the movie. Though I could be wrong since they were on late and I wasn't paying much attention
I know that Dragonball is not very liked in the anime scene, but I think the first series (not Z and not GT), is defenetly worth having it.
Some more to recommned:

-Hunter x Hunter (not very famous, but damn good when u r over the first 3 episodes or somethin like that)
- NOIR (26 Episodes Perfect Collection set with Eng Dub)
-Gantz (26 Episodes Perfect Collection set with Eng Dub)
-Inuyasha might as well be worth it, but with 167 episodes, quite expensive

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