Who knows when the next set of Inuyahsa perfect set 3 will be released?
My woman absolutely loves this series and she can't wait to get the next perfect set. Does anyone know when the next set will be released by F/x?
It's all about the love Wink
When they feel like doing it.

It won't happen till volume 18 of the R1s comes out, that's for sure.
I just looked at animenation and they said they would release vol 18 and 19 on june 1st. does that mean some hk compant will release a 21 episode box set shortly after? Also does anyone know the web page for F/x or maybe a email address? I would like to formally request this set to be made.
It's all about the love Wink
No one here really knows when they are going to release anything to be honest with you. They don't have a website and emailing Flora well thats just a little hard to do. I think its a safe bet they will do a box set 3 just be patient.
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I was just wondering becuase my woman can't wait to get the next set and you know... now I know and knowing is half the battle.
It's all about the love Wink
I'd rather wait for the MI rip of the FX stuff. A big 6 disc set would be nice.
A bootleg of a bootleg now that is Ironic!
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