sailor moon s dvd question please help
hi can any one help want to get the sailor moon s tv collection but there are 2 diffent ones with eng/jap languge one has 4 disks and one has 3 one is made by fx and the other by mac herd that the mac one is uncut but is the fx uncut as well please let us know which one to by thanks so very muchWink
The white one is FX.
The blue one is MI.
The green one is Mac.

All are 4 disk except the Mac one which is 3.

I think they are all uncut.
thanks so very much for you help Big Grin
Their all uncut and are all pretty good, but i bought the fx set.
I think its the best out of the three.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
I plan to get the MAC set. Why FX chose not to use what is probably the most awesome R1 cover I've ever seen is beyond me.

I'm getting the MAC version just for the packaging. Stupid? Yeah. But it does look really good.

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