Movies in the DBZ 1-13 set
When I read about this movie collection I can't help but notice that the movies the import box has listed are different from the R1 ones. Can anyone help me out with how the r1/import titles work out? like which title is broly the legendary supersaiyan? and after which movie do they stop being dubbed in english?

DBZ Movies
1. The Deadzone
2. The World's Strongest
3. The Tree of Might
4. Lord Slug
5. Best of Strongest versus Strongest
6. Clash!! 10 Billion Power Warriors
7. Utmost Limits of Battle!! The Three Super Saiyajin
8. Burn Your Spirits to the Max!! Close Battle, Violent Battle, Super Bloody Battle
9. The Galaxy is in Danger!! The Super Awesome Guy!
10. Dangerous Partners! Super Warriors Never Rest
11. Crushing Super Warrior!! I am the Winner
12. The Rebirth of Fusion!! Goku and Vegeta
13. Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Can't Do It, No on can

It seems like after the 4th movies that the titles change to ones that I don't recognize from the R1 titles
That's because all the R1 titles are wrong.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I figured something was amiss. So are all the R1 movies that have been released in this box set? Also, the Bardok, father of goku special and the trunks special aren't in this box right?
Movies 1-5 are taken from the R1 Discs (kinda sad since movie 5's subtitles are actually the dubtitles), and the rest are from Japanese LDs (no VHS, since there is no line of distortion at the bottom of the video). Neither the trunks or Bardock specials are on here. I'm also a little sad about that since both the R1 discs are terrible. Not so much in their audio or video quality, but because of the literal maze of chapters and titles the movie is on. The movies themselves span approx 4 or 5 titles each...
Hey kakomu can you send me some pictures from that DBZ Movies Box? (from menu and some pics with subs) I will be VERY gratefu! my mail: [email protected]

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