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Joined: Jun 2004
Support Ventes Total
1. PlayStation 2 41.525 1.540.357
2. Game Boy Advance SP 35.988 1.507.481
3. GameCube 9.778 417.081
4. Game Boy Advance 2.362 162.883
5. PSone 279 12.739
6. Xbox 278 22.513
Titre Support Ventes Total
1. Paper Mario RPG NGC 159.400 159.400
2. Tenchû Kurenai PS2 75.800 75.800
3. Powerful Pro Baseball 11 PS2 55.800 261.060
4. Boktai 2 : Solar Boy Django GBA 37.800 37.800
5. Naruto RPG GBA 32.000 32.000
6. Taiko no Tatsujin 4 PS2 31.000 31.000
7. FullMetal Alchemist : Sonata of Memories GBA 30.900 30.900
8. Gradius V PS2 30.800 30.800
9. Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshôhô ! Hokuto no Ken PS2 20.300 704.600
10. Dragon Ball Z Legacy of Goku II GBA 19.300 19.300
Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.
Posts: 332
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Joined: Sep 2004
-spike- Wrote:There should never be a console vs console thread because if you were a true gamer, it doesnt matter what system a game is on, as long as its a good game. End of story.
"The best way to a girls bed is trough her parents, have sex with them and your in for sure!" -- Zap Branigan
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Joined: Dec 2004
I own a Gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast and Xbox (a few more as well) and I can say that in my opinion the Xbox has the highest quailty games. The Gamecube has a lack of good games (there are a few though). And for the PS2. For every 6 crap games there is 1 good game. (not bad odds when you take into account the PS1 in which for every 200 bad games 1 good game was made). This is just my opinion. I am not saying it is true just what my interpertation believes to be true. (what the hell did I just say?) If you think I am wrong then I doun't have a probalm with that. It is your opinion. And yes I do think the VS thing is stupid.
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New consoles are alright but its all about the classics. The Atari and NES for instance,
those were the days. Used to have so such fun playing Joust and the Original Megaman
games, Ooh don't forget Basewars and Skate or Die. I used to love playing those systems
and games, in fact I still do. No console today can compare with the classics.
Ryo of Inferno...Taooo Jiiiinnn
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i know no one wants to hear the whole whats best dealy
but you gotta love the NES cus the games are hard (some of them really hard) they focus on little kid to adult and come on it's nostalgic
so im not saying it's the best or anything but it's pretty sweet
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Joined: Apr 2009
what a nice idea.

i think our moderator is good huh?

he should be a strict person.

anyways, nice idea again.

is it true that this forum is already dead?
Posts: 6
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Joined: Oct 2009
I think so...
I'm new here, but I realized that it realy is pretty dead...
And so is, I dont find any other communities about HK Anime Dvds...
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Joined: Jan 2005
sadly i think the hk days are pretty much over. I still have a ton of them myself and always have one series or another in my dvd player at all times. I think one of the ghost in the shell dvds are in there right now lol oh well theres always sites with streaming anime at least.