El Hazard The Ultimate Collection (FX)

I read the reviews for El Hazard The Ultimate Collection (FX) and all of them say that the video on the first disk of the Magnificant World series is really bad. However this is the only El Hazard set sold on this website and although I could buy the 3 series individually, and buy the Magnificant World series set done by MAC instead I just can't find it for sale anywhere.
I've been reading some of the threads on this forum and most people that own El Hazard have bought the Ultimate Collection set done by FX which makes me think that it might be worth buying after all. If anyone could help me solve this little dilemma of mine I'd appreciate it.
On my dvd players, El Hazard Ultimate Collection doesn't really have bad bad picture quality. The picture was ok, more like VHS quality than DVD quality, that's sharp and clear.
I didn't get any pixelations, skippings or stoppings on any of the dvds. I did have to send 2 discs back for replacement though coz they wouldn't load on any dvd players, dvd-rom or ps2 at all.

Other than that, it's pretty ok to buy the EHUC.
I had no problem with it at all. Unless you're a videophile, you'll be too busy lauging your ass off to notice.
<a href="http://elotroladodelburro.tripod.com">Website</a>

I guess I'll be buying El Hazard The Ultimate Collection after all, especially because I'm definitely not a videophile and if you say it's good enough then I'll take your advice.
Thanks! Smile

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