What payment should I choose?????
Im international customer. And I dont know what payment should I choose. Send money by check or maybe Wester Union (but i heard that WU are too expensive to send money). Or maybe there is some different way to pay??
Can't you sign up for a Paypal a/c? It's convenient. If not, get an International M.O from the Post Office or wherever sells it
i would also use paypal if i were u, unless they have yet to reach ur country. its just easier
I think he's from Poland and Paypal doesn't accept any Polish customers as of yet. I know Western Union is reliable and to see what they cost just go to their website or go to your postoffice and ask there.
Paying by postal money order works just fine. I'm from Germany and I mostly don't even chose this payment, I usually pay by sending cash via registered airmail. I never ever had any problems by that and it's the cheapest way...
Don't tread on me, you bastards!


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