Come Join The Dragon Ball Bashing Party
I dont care how popular the show is, its still mediocre.
I think many peopel do bash the show because its popular just as people like to bash anything that is very popular. It makes them feel better to like more less known shows and other things.
Dragon ball is very likely recieving some of this, but at the same time i think it deserves a great deal of the critisim it recieves. Its creator's weening enjoyment of the show in the later episodes is clearly evident and the show suffers for it.
In the end if a show is badly made its more than likely goign to be bad.
No amount of popularity or lack their of is going to change that.
After that its simply personal preference.
In dis country u gota make da money first, den wen u get da money u get da power, and den wen u get da power, den u get da woman
The characters grew up with me. I think thats cool. you can't say that many animes.
It's all about the love Wink
I have watched many eps. of DBZ and I can say that I really dont like the show. Many of my friends watch it all the time and I just dont get why they like it so much.
most animes leave an empty feeling about the characters but dragon ball there is so much development how can you not love them!
It's all about the love Wink
ive tried to sit down and watch it and i cant take it ! its boring and stupid every thing is the same all they dso is fight short little people ! serieously they should put out dragon ball M (midjet) cause thats all it is the charactrers are terriable and just the design is bad just thinking about it makes my head hurt. if you like it and this hurts your feelings get over it i dont like the same stuff as you and well the world is open to free though.

take it or get out !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


my biggest problem with dragon ball is the way that years can pass in some episodes, while in other episodes, they stretch what should take about 20 seconds into the entire episode.

second, the story repeats itself so incredibly much, goku faces a stronger enemy than he ever has, this enemy is hailed as being ludicrously strong. goku and his band of pals struggle, but somehow gain an amazing amount of this strange thing they only describe as "power" and ultimately come out on top. and then onto the next enemy who is ludicrously powerful and they dont stand a chance and on and on and on. eventually coming out on top after a 30 episode struggle.

now after all that, i will admit that if dbz is on, ill watch it because it is entertaining, but i will not seek it out as overall it really is a mediocre anime.

HBK, you definitely hit the nail on the head. casshan, grow up.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.
Absolute fucking garbage. Move on.
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Dragonball/DBz/DBgT is ok too much of the same thing going on though.maybe without half the episodes it would be alot better but I think akira toriyama really didnt give a shit about this series anybody read the interview with him in shonen jump awhile ago?
I think he is an ass he says he dont wanna be remembered for creating dbz what the hell this is what made him rich not Dr slump,the cat genie 1?etc I dont think he could create 1 that would top dbz I do like his Dragon warrior character designs though.^^.
Quote:Originally posted by HarukaTenoh11
Dragonball/DBz/DBgT is ok too much of the same thing going on though.maybe without half the episodes it would be alot better but I think akira toriyama really didnt give a shit about this series anybody read the interview with him in shonen jump awhile ago?
I think he is an ass he says he dont wanna be remembered for creating dbz what the hell this is what made him rich not Dr slump,the cat genie 1?etc I dont think he could create 1 that would top dbz I do like his Dragon warrior character designs though.^^.

If you want to know some info Akira Toriyama wanted to Stop Dragonball Z after the Frieza Saga.. Goku became the Legendary Super Saijin and he wanted to end if there.. But since it was so popular at the time the studios pushed him to write more of it.. It was a great series for its time.. you can see this as it has well over 400 episodes total and 15 movies for everything.. So it must of done something correct.. And you going to bitch to me because i have purchased every Dbz DVD that Funimation has released so far?

And the other thing i hate is when people hate a show just because it is popular.. I think that type of people are just as bad as people that only like things because they are popular.. I personally feel don't rate something if its popular or don't go with what everyone else is saying.. Form an opinion of your own and your opinion will be much stronger and easier to defend..
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
ive tried to sit down and watch it and i cant take it ! its boring and stupid every thing is the same all they dso is fight short little people ! serieously they should put out dragon ball M (midjet) cause thats all it is the charactrers are terriable and just the design is bad just thinking about it makes my head hurt. if you like it and this hurts your feelings get over it i dont like the same stuff as you and well the world is open to free though.

take it or get out !


I think your (and others) problem is that you try to watch it after you've seen alot of other animes. For me and I believe alot of the other "fans" of DBZ it was the first anime that grabbed me and didn't let go. It was the first anime that kept you awake when something exciting happened in the episide of that day and you hated waiting another 24 hours for the next ep. Sure it dragged on but when watching it for the first time you got just enough info in that filler ep. to keep you on the edge of your seat the next day. It's fucking genious how the creator got all these fans with the kind of show he made. You try making a show these days with 80% filler eps. and see how many fans you'll get.

Now that I've seen alot of other animes I know its not the most beautiful/best anime there is but I still haven't found one that had me so excited for the next ep. everytime for a couple of years. After the show was finished I was left with an empty feeling like I've lost something (4pm everyday was dragonballz time) so I went looking for more and found out about the rest of the anime world.
I agree with elcoholic. It is just like something that thrives you to watch it. Of course the storyline drags and it gets cheesy. Another stronger enemy appears and they are always "Ghh Ghh gahh" noises are made.

But somehow they always overcome them. But, it is just entertaining. The original Dragonball was def worth the money and if you just want to bash dbz, try db.

I believe one of the only reasons some hate it is because FUNi ruined it and let a million little kids slow the show down and edit the hell out of it. But, think what you want. I like it and I am not scared to say that.. I will always like it. Is it the best anime out there? No, by far not. It is just for entertainment.
Ok, DragonBall and DBZ are not brain scratching shows, but they were fun, my brother and I use to import them about 11 years ago, so I was 15 at the time and there was no better adrenaleine rush then wathching two motherfuckers beat the hell out of each other for 30 minutes. However, I've tried watching the English version, gosh the dubbing is just blasphemy and the translation and editing is horrible, so if you are criticizing the show and that is all you have watched, well that's not really fair. Now I don't know how old some of you are and how long you've been watching anime, so that might be part of the reason you don't like the show. So I say if you are in highschool and just started watching anime about four years ago, then you probably won't like DBZ. You can compare it to all this great anime that just pumped out of Japan in the last 6 years alone. But back in 92 and 93 DBZ was the SHIT!!!!! Another thing I respect about shows like DBZ, pokemon, and Sailor Moon is that it made anime VHS hella' cheap. When those shows got popular anime was not only easier to find, but it was getting cheaper and that made me a very happy fanboy. I just can't believe that the show is this popular now, I think that's fucking awesome. I remeber when I was 16 (about 10 years ago) I wore a DBZ shirt I imported from Japan to school and all the kids were like: "hahahahah your shirt says Dragon Balls!!!!" So to me its still a shock to see all this DBZ merchandise at Wal-Mart. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
First off, for those who hated Dragonball, how old were you when you first started watching? 14, 15, maybe older? That could explain it, considering many of us (including myself), watched it as kids. The series was targetted for kids, not older audiences, who often want more depth from their anime. Also, if you've read the manga, the series very accurately reduplicates the experience, which is quite rare these days. Most people I know who think DB or DBZ sucked are n00bs, who've only begun watching anime within the last 6 years or less. Those who've watched DB as kids, followed by DBZ in the mid 80s, really have fond memories of it. I watched it recently as well, and after nearly 12 years, I still find myself marvelling over how cool it is. It had an amount of passion that many animes these days don't have, and was a definite shonen anime.

DB & DBZ > j00.
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
First off, for those who hated Dragonball, how old were you when you first started watching? 14, 15, maybe older? That could explain it, considering many of us (including myself), watched it as kids. The series was targetted for kids, not older audiences, who often want more depth from their anime. Also, if you've read the manga, the series very accurately reduplicates the experience, which is quite rare these days. Most people I know who think DB or DBZ sucked are n00bs, who've only begun watching anime within the last 6 years or less. Those who've watched DB as kids, followed by DBZ in the mid 80s, really have fond memories of it. I watched it recently as well, and after nearly 12 years, I still find myself marvelling over how cool it is. It had an amount of passion that many animes these days don't have, and was a definite shonen anime.

DB & DBZ > j00.

Thank you robojack and evilomar. Well put.
It's definitely not my favorite anime, but Dragonball is entertaining. It's like General Hospital (the longest running soap opera). It is readily available, and thus has introduced many people to anime.

Granted, in DBZ, 1/3 of an average episode is grunting from "transforming" but there is a nice feeling after 50,000 episodes of fighting Freeza or Bu.
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