Wolfs Rain (Starts Saturday 4/24 On Cartoon Network)
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Sadly enough I no longer watch anime on Cartoon Network, nor any other network for that matter. If I hear of a series, or happen to see a few minutes of one by chance while flipping through channels during the maybe 1-2 hours I watch tv a day, then I'll just buy it on dvd. That way I watch at my own pace.

I don't watch Cartoon Network any more either.. though I may start with the new shows coming out. I do have to say though if it wasn't for Toonami/Adult Swim, I probably wouldn't be into anime. So it is good that they introduce people to anime.

My biggest gripes of anime on Cartoon Network are 1. they're edited, 2. there are commercials, and 3. no openings... though I do like some of the openings on Toonami, where they take highlights from the shows and famous lines and wrap them together with light music.. Like Kenshin's "if you want to taste the ground feel free to attack me," Big Grin.
its all about tivo baby. the tv is MY bi*ch.

Look, maybe you just saw a one headed monkey carrying two watermelons.

Well the show was good on saturday.
it was a good first episode im already hooked. im not a big fan of mech stuff but this looks to be promising show.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE



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