Who know when the a new season of Berserk will start?
Please the sotry must go on. Is there anyine I can email to request the continuation of the Berserk story? It must continue! Gatsu is awsome. It would be great to see him in action again!
It's all about the love Wink
We can always pray or read the manga!

Anyone know any other animes which are similar?

I just started watching Bastard! and it seems to be a little similar so far.
Pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray now where is it? Damn I guess I'll pray somemore.
It's all about the love Wink
Early development has started on the next season of Berserk but it's at least another year away before anything starts airing in Japan. Could be two years depending on how development goes.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
read the m-a-n-g-a.. You won't be disappointed.
Media Blasters the distributor of Berserk has said that they would like to co-produce a second season.

Also the writer/producer of Berserk who was interview in vol 5 DVD said that he would like to do a second season.
Skullknight better be in this one Cool :p
My first sight of skull knight was at the end of Berserk the video game, quite ominous. anyway, Seeing him in action would probably be quite a sight especially aqgainst Gatsu. YEAH!
It's all about the love Wink
alos theres gonna be a ps2 game that takes off right at the end of the berserk the anime can't wait till that comes out i think around sept or somthing don't know for sure
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
do you know of any sights that have info on that particular Berserk Game? I'm just curios to find out more about it.
It's all about the love Wink
"google.com" :p
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
do you know of any sights that have info on that particular Berserk Game? I'm just curios to find out more about it.


You can download the trailer click where it says "here" in red.
You should make that a link here I will..

You guys are talking about the Japan E3 thing right? I liked it when Gats polevaults with the DS and kicks the goblin in the head.

And yea read the manga. I got all the way to vol 27 or 28 ... can't remember. But DAMN IS IT AWESOME!!!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
ozzes of salivation...

in anticipation of the new series if there ever is one

i hope skullnight is put into it, they can easily enter him in with a recapy bit showing how rickets is asved by him etc and Puck can enter it but im not that bothered about having light entertainment in the berserk anime

but pucks essemtial for the manga which rocks!
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then the...

Rav way!


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