DBZ MI Sets: Where to buy?
Hey guys.. Do any of you know a good reliable source to obtain DBZ MI sets 3,4,5, and 9 ???
I got all of my DBZ dvds from nextdayanime.com. The sets with 3 disks will run you $30 and the ones with 2 will be $20. The quality on all these dvds is great and you'll probably get free shipping if you order all the sets you need. Shipping is also very quick, I got mine after only about 3 days.
So you can vouch for this site? They give the goods for the money? Dont rip anyone off? Replace discs?

The sets are like 30.90 which is also odd since everywhere else they are an even 30 for the 3 discs and usually 20-21 for the 2 discs.
For MI dealers that are based in HK, 695anime.com is one of the better ones, both price and customer service-wise. They got all the dragonball sets at very good price and low shipping. However, as any other resellers based in HK, buy at your own risk. None of them will be as reliable as Junkie Joe. Did you know that you can also request MI titles from JJ for $9/disc?
i just bought the rest of the 4 sets I needed through nextdayanime.com, hopefully all goes well.

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