****Japschin's Trade List****
R1 Anime

Twin Signal
Akira Trade Pending
Ayane's High KickTrade Pending
Cowboy Bebop Best Sessions (2 DVDs)
Sol Bianca Vols 1-3 (3 DVDs)
Street Fighter Alpha Movie
Cowboy Bebop, The Movie
Shamanic Princess
Beautiful Dreamer
Magic User's Club Ovas 1-3 (3DVDs)Trade Pending
Nazca Vols. 1-4Pending
Argentosoma Vols 1-6 with Limited Edition Box
Record of Lodoss War OVA: Collector's Series (2 DVDs)
Chance Pop 1-3 (3 DVDs)
Fancy La La 1-6 (6 DVDs)
Dragonball GT [Uncut] Complete + Movie + Artbox(21 DVDs)Not breaking up the set! WHOLE set is to be traded/sold!
Oh My Goddess OVAS 1+2 (2 DVDs)
Ah! My Goddess Movie (1 DVD)Trade Pending
Vandread 1-8 + Champagne's Customized BoxTrade Pending
K.O Beasts (3 DVDs)
Big O Complete Collection *Brand New* (4 DVDs)

HK Sets
Angel Links (FX: Eng, Jap, 2 DVDs)

Key The Metal Idol (MAC: Eng, Jap, 3 DVDs)

Love Hina Perfect OAV Collection (FX: Eng, Jap, 1 DVD)

Pretty Sammy/Mihoshi Special (MAC: Eng, Jap, 1 DVD)

Vampire Hunter D (FX: Eng, 1 DVD)

R1 Sets
Feel free to browse through my R1 Collection. I will only trade away R1 series sets if there's a really good offer. :p
Just try anyway, you won't know.

1. I would really prefer trading to selling.

2. Basically anything that I've not seen before [b]BUT
only sets with Eng/Jap Audio.

3. Very interested in animes of the following genre:


I've decided to state my terms out front since I don't want to be blamed or be blaming others for problems and disagreements half way through the trade.Big Grin

1.Domestic trade: I generally send everything either UPS ground(4-7days) or USPS Priority Mail (2-4days), depending on the weight of the total traded items. Media Mail only if the other party is from the same state as I am in, California. If possible, please have a tracking # for your reference, don't want to be labelled as 'dishonest' if I don't get your package. Both parties must agree on the shipping method.

If selling, buyer would be responsible for shipping fees. You choose the delivery method since you are paying for it.

International trade: I'll only have int'l trade if we are trading something.

2. For people who wants to pay me , I prefer M.O and cash but will take Paypal only with direct cash/bank transfer. No credit/debit cards. I'm not going to pay for the stupid fees Paypal charges. Heh..i'm dirt poor. Can't afford the fees charged. :p

3. Not responsible for cash lost in mail.

4. I am most willing to work out trades/sales. If the trade is right, we have a deal.

5. All my DVDs are without scratches and are clean.

If I sounded nasty, I apologize. I just want hassle-free transactions by being upfront. Thanks

Ongoing Trade with:



Successful Trade with:

Jaded God
HarukaTenoh11 (couple of scratched, dirty CDs, cracked cases)
Last Exile(2X)
JunkieJoe (2X)


Amethyst (3X)



Drosia (only sent out my stuffs after 3 weeks she got mine)

Due to my crazy work and school schedules,
I can only go to the Post Office on Tuesday and Thursday, maybe Saturdays.
If you want me to ship on Saturday/Tuesday:
[b]I have to receive a definite trade list by Friday 9pm.

If you want me to ship on Thursday:
Likewise, I need a definite trade list by Wednesday, 9pm.

i be interested in
Betterman Perfect Collection
DNA² TV OVA Perfect Collection

check my list out see if theres anything you like
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
nope just jap what about money? how much for those 3 sets i mentioned pm me if you wish
i am a hamburger

My HK Anime Collection
My R1 Anime Collection
take a peek and buy something ^-^
Gatekeepers Perfect TV Collection + OVA (FX: Eng, Jap, 4 DVDs)
Fruits Basket Perfect Collection (FX: Eng, Jap, 3 DVDs)(Pending)
S-Cry-Ed Limited Edition R1

Interested in these. please check my trade list and pm because I have other stuff that I might add to the trade.
I saw a few things I might be interested in including DNA2 collection. Only thing is that I don't have much left to trade away. I'm sure you've already seen Bebop and Trigun. But I did notice that you don't have El Hazard Wanderers in your collection. I have the Perfect collection by Mac. Let me know if you'd be interested in that.
well besides the stuff that there is in my list, I only have for trade Ranma TV + Oav Perfect collection but only for a superb trade. how much do you wan for the R1s of Scryed (all of them)?
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Vicious: I've the El Hazard Ultimate Collection(FX). Yup....seen Trigun and Bebop.

It's no fun trading with you. You already have everything. :p
I REALLY want your Escaflowne Set and I also kinda want your Betterman, Onegai Teacher and Kareshi sets. I'm not exactly sure if you want anything on my list, so I'm presenting you with my entire DVD list. Many on there are non-negotiable, but even more are up for grabs.


Talk to me through a PM or msg me on AIM: Kakomat.
check my list if anything interests you

interested in:
Angel links
night on galactic road
It's all about the love Wink
how much do you want for your set Blue Sub #6

let me know !

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


I am intersted in trading for your:

Amazing Nurse Nanako Limited Edition Boxset (3 DVDs)

Gasaraki Boxset (8DVDs)

I have several of your want list items.PM or email me back if your interested.


ps you prob wouldn't be willing to part with your .hack//sign??? I'd be willing to pay for that.
*~ Tiffy~*

"Thank you God!! I've got... my PRINT CLUB!!!"

My R1 Collection

My list wish
I wonder if you would be interested in trading Samurai deeper Kyo Vol 1-6 + box for Princess Nine (R1) and 1/2 dvds more.

pm me back please
Pretear Vols. 1-4 + Artbox (4 DVDs)

Interested in this set. check my list please. I have some ps2 games but they are all PAL. I don't know if you have a chip on your PS2
also interested in Voices of a Distant Star. Is this the defective one that came with the flower thingie in the middle that holds the dvd where you have to pull the dvd out. Or is it the one with the push thingie in the middle. I am asking this because the defective one with the flower thingie as the dvd holder has a defective audio track in it.( this track is the director's cut one)
[Image: WinterSonata.jpg]

A dream is like snow, it falls then it fades away through time...

~Ryoku Slayer~
Curious as to how much you'd want for the Gundam Wing set (if it hasn't already been sold, that is Smile

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  **Japschin's Trade List** Japschin 17 10,994 11-12-2005, 07:06 PM
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