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I know the cumstomer service is is top notch for this site and I commend import anime for it, infact i'd refer many people to this sight just becasue of the cumstomer service. The thing I'm ranting about is those dud discs that F/x put out. Its just a let down when you're watching and anime and getting into it then boom you see disc error or the screen stops moving. anyway that's all... Fx would be the best company if it weren't for that, in my opinion.
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FX is the only company I haven't had dead discs from.
[Mac] Ah! My Goddess: The Movie - Never worked, D.O.A
[Mac] Ah! My Goddess: The OVA - First episode was fine, after that, I had to open the tray every 15 seconds and restart up the disc... on every episode. Needless to say, I stopped watching after after the second disc. I am still thinking up creative methods of destruction.
[Mac] Onegai Tacher - Spotty performance all throughout
Wow, maybe I just hate Mac.... probably not going to buy from them again.
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EH.....just totally opposite from you El.
I never had any problems with MAC. It's FX that I have big and tiresome problems with. I keep getting disc errors, won't load in my dvd-roms etc.
That's why I stopped buying FX for almost 4 months.
But I have to get some new FX titles now coz my ***king roommates keep eyeing on my R1s King of Bandit, Haibane Renmei, Rahxephon, WHR.
***king roommates creased my Najica Box, almost tore my Saber Marionette Ultimate Collection Box and scratched my Ceres Celestial DVDs. !@*&!(@_!
I'd rather spend the extra $ so that they would keep their hands off my stuffs.
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I agree with you on the F/x issue and I'm a college student so i can relte to the whole roomate touching stuff you value then that stuff scrached or something along those lines. I wich roomates would keep their hands to themselves.
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I'm just destined to have pretty things.
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Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
[BI wich roomates would keep their hands to themselves. [/B]
The only problem I have here is: My roommates are my bf's lil' bro and his gf. %^*&^ What am I supposed to say? They tried to take my Haibane Renmei today. I just told them, those dvds are each $25 and the box itself cost me $30. Anything slightly wrong, you guys know what to do. Heheheh...his gf put it back.

But took my devil lady.
I have this bad habit, that is not watching my dvds until the whole set is complete.
That's why right now, I'm trying to get HK sets for them to watch. They picky like ^%*& too. Want to only watch pretty animations. They said Escaflowne and X sucks coz the characters aren't pretty looking.
They could tell me in my face, " Oh! We don't mind watching anything incomplete!" What da hell?! Did they bother that I mind since I spent thousands of dollars on my R1 sets and I've not even opened and watched some of them??!! (I've watched some on HK sets already and I liked those enuff to get them on R1s but still?? They are still fresh and spanking new, unopened!!)
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i feel you pain, I can relate to this harsh reality that you speak of. Just let it out man. it's better let the anger flow out of you then to explode. i just hide everything in places where others cannot get to like a safe of hide them in a suit case. I make sure nobody gets their oily hands on them.
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HAhahah hide in suitcase huh? I don't enough suitcases to hide all of them.
Heheh I feel much better after bitching about it. I just hope my Devil Lady dvds do not come back scratched or covers torn.
Lending ppl my precious R1s is such a pain in the butt especially when I can't say no to them. :mad:
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I have locks that I have installed on my dressor so that Only i can enter them with a key. it pisses the evil people who like to tkae things without asking, it angers them when they can't get to my stuff. Their anger brings me the satisfaction of being able to control who watchs what and who uses what. If i know whats going on with my animes, and if somethig goes wrong i can hold someone responsible. I'm telling you it's war!
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lending anything out sucks in my experience and the better you know that person the more "liberties" they take with it
then they dont expect to be bitch slapped!
what the hell... scratch my discs and you die.
just get the to respect authoritah...
eventually they get the idea.
Theres the...
Wrong way
Right way
then the...
Rav way!
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I have a few cabinets to hold my dvds in and I let people go through them and borow them but when they get messed up they say I am JUST So far, I have had at least 5 of my dvds messed up because people don't know how to take care of them. Now when friends come over to my house the get a little irritated when they see two cabinets in the middle of the room with locks on them and a "TOUCH AND DIE!!!" sign taped on each of the doors. A month ago I started to charge for damages -_____-. Then I just stopped all together. I told them to buy there own and they finally stopped asking to borrow my dvds. Every once in a million years, I will lend a few out but only to people that I know I can trust and also to people where I know where they sleep ( they can't get away with damaging my stuff!). And aside from that, what do they think that televisions with anime stations and other various shows fare for?
Hot Damn, that was cool!
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you hit right on the nose Batik
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I've found that the Disc Doctor is a pretty good tool to own when you have idiots around your DVD collection. It fixes any kind of scratches on the DVDs, including pretty deep ones. The only thing it won't fix is a label side scratch (in that case, data is actually be scraped off, so there is no way to repair it).
For $30 and enough uses for 50 DVDs before you have to buy the ~$10 replacement wheel, I'd say it's a pretty good deal. It's really the only thing you can do if disc thieves have scratched your DVDs. I got mine at my local Best Buy and it's even saved a few Bandai discs that arrived in the mail via Bandai's awful keepcases, all scratched up from rattling inside the case.
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That thing sounds great. I will invest in one of the very promtly
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I will also try one of them..well maybe two. Knowing the snoopy friends, (not if they keep messing up my junk) they would probably get a hold of them and possibly break one of the only things that may be able to repair my dvds. If that doesn't work, and they manage to break it (or both of them) then I will turn my room (and maybe the rest of my house) into Alcatraz in order to protect what is mine. You have to do whatever you must, to protect your special little dvds and manga right? One more thing to rant about. I don't like to bitch and whine about my problems (alright, maybe I do -_______-) but something crappy happened today. I saw my friend with my manga book.......all bent with pages falling out. It didn't even look like a manga book anymore. This will serve as a warning to me, and hopefully many people out there. Be careful who you let touch your manga. If they have it for over 3 and a half weeks, be VERY afraid.
Hot Damn, that was cool!