Maybe this is do able
I think this website in wonderful for us anime lovers. Maybe each month or week have a consistantly changing poll of anime questions and have members be able to rate them. Also maybe a monthly featurette of a particular anime of your guys choice. I think a featurette will bring obscure anime of brand new into focus for persepctive buyers or who ever is intersted. For example, say shin hokuto no ken would be taken apart peice by piece and analyized and questions could be posted in that poll tihng I mentioned earlier. I think the anime reviews are great but many times they are bland and more times than not cause me to lose interest in certain animes. Maybe the whole featurette thing could be used to move product. Food for thought. Just suggestions.
well this is doable.. but i don't think i would perfer this on the main page.. Something that could be done in the forums per-say but not sure exactly what all and how much people would use this..
IN the forum section, evry moth or week or so, focus on one particular anime and invite people to write about it. It could definitely bring a particular anime into view of people who know nothing about it. I say this because I'm often curios about animes that I've never heard of or new ones and would like to know more about them instead of only using reviews that often times do say much. Thats all for now
I will discuss this with JJ and see what he comments about it.. Though i think for this to happen effectivly we would need a few people to come up and do it.. I know right now the Admins don't have the time for this at the moment..

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