Does FX have this Macross set?

And if not, is there one planned from FX? Mmm...original 36 episodes unedited with JPN dialogue and ENG subs. I want to relive a piece of my childhood. Big Grin
I know you don't want to hear this, but for a really small company like AnimEigo, and especially went they went through so much work (years' worth) to remaster the video, you should buy the R1 for this one.
I haven't seen any Canadian sites that carry it. $199 US plus shipping and duties for one show is just out of my budget right now. Sad
#4 is selling the animeigo DVDs.

Boxset 1

Boxset 2

Boxset 3

Don't worry about how the say the language is in english, always makes mistakes like that. 64$CDN for each boxset (3 DVDs each) is a real good price plus always has at least 5$ coupons. Hehe, get different accounts and use the same coupon for each boxset.

If that is still too much for you, MAC has release the first 24 episodes, R1 rip, the 2nd part is on their coming soon list.
I agree with dvd_master on this one, they charge an arm and a leg for a reason. I think its OK to support small companies like animeigo, after all they were the first company to release a domestic Japanese dubbed anime. Just be glad its $199.00, the original price was well over $500, then more people started pre-ordering the set. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Animeigo did a good job with this set and I totally agree with dvd-master. It is a small company and they do really good job with whatever animes they have. I don't really think it's that expensive to buy the R1s anyway.

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