Asian movie thread
Well since Import-Anime has started selling asian movies a thread devoted to them seems like the natural thing to have.

I've been watching alot of asian movies lately, mostly Korean and Chinese but some Japanese ones as well.

Saw Bounce Ko Gal yesterday, great movie about japanese high school girls that whore themselves t oold perverted men, despite the subject matter of the film it wasn't very graphic. The director mentioned how he was influenced by the movie Kids and it did remind me of that movie, about youth and friendship in a ever changing society.

I also saw Shark Skin Man and Peach hip Girl recently. Pretty good movie, I would call it a Tarantino insprired gangster movie.

Infernal Affairs 3 recently came out on DVD amd I got a chance to check it out, not as good as the first 2 movies, I didn't like the way the movie goes from past to present to future all the time during the movie. Also some sequences didn't make much sense according to the first 2 movies.

The first Korean movie I saw was My Sassy Girl, what a great movie this was, some would call it a chick flick but it's a great movie. The two main characters are in about every single scene and there are barely any supporting characters but they have great chemistry together. I also saw a bunch of korean gangster comedy but most wer forgetable maybe except for My Wife is a Gangster, funny movie with some cool action sequences

That's all I can think of now, so anyone here seen any good asian movies lately ? Smile
I recently watched "Volcano High"

When you watch do not take it seriously. The director obviously wanted to make it humorous. Who ever heard of a high school where all the students had super fighting powers? It's like DragonBallZ in school. Well worth a watch.
The latest Asian stuff I've seen are...

Drunken Master ...the original and best Jackie Chan movie I've ever seen. Actually the last few Asian movies I saw were Jackies.

One that wasn't his I last seen was Wasabi. It was really good.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Maybe you can tell me how Shark Skin Man Peach Hip Girl ends. I rented it from Hollywood Video and the DVD fizzled out during the end.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
recently watched:

ring 2
ring 0
battle royale 2
throne of blood
gen-x cops
shoalin soccer
see you space cowboy...
i'm taking a japanese film and fiction class right now and we recently saw "after life" and "hana-bi"/"fireworks" both were pretty good. both are really sentimental. after life's about this place people go to when they die and you have to pick one memory from your life that you will be reliving over and over forever. it was pretty interesting to watch. and fireworks is about a tough guy cop who's wife is going through some sickness. it had some gorey scenes.
Where can I find these movies? I'd like to see them as well.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Not sure if you mean my post or someone elses, but "after life" and "fireworks" were released in 1998 in the US (I think) I know for sure sells them but you can probably get them cheaper somewhere else. sells them for $17 each i think.
Awesome! I will definately check them out. Thanks!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
same here, they sound pretty damn cool! wonder if JJ could get hold of them?

btw does any know how to get a list of all the live movies JJ can stock? just enquiring before i bother JJ again...
see you space cowboy...
Good to see I'm not the only one petitioning for increasing the stock of live movies here.
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watched 'returner' yesterday, piece of shit!
watched 'uzumaki' today, man thats a weird movie!!!
see you space cowboy...
I have the manga for Uzumaki and I agree that it is some exceedingly weird shit.

My library of live action HK movies is pretty large.
Some of my favourites are:
Fong Sai Yuk
Crazy Safari
Battle Royale
Drunken Master
Iron Monkey
Shaolin Soccer
God of Gamblers
The Killer
Bullet in the Head
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
shaolin soccer is a great movie!!! none of my friends thought so Sad
see you space cowboy...
don't worry, it is.
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