Which Animes Should I Get?!
My money is piling up, and it's time to buy another box set, or three ^.^
I already know I want Mahoromatic (first season) but then what should I get? My friend and I have narrowed it down to:

Fruits Basket
KareKano (His and Her Circumstances)
Vampire Hunter D Collection

Which ones?? I think I'll have about $70.
you should definatley get berserk! im sorry id didnt buy it sooner myself.

i highly recommend bebop, eva, x tv and gto if you havent already got them.
see you space cowboy...
Fruits Basket: Really funny show with a pretty good story.

X TV and Rahxephon if you've not gotten them yet. Hehhe.....you still have $7 left to get Vampire Hunter D if disregard the shipping. Big Grin

Actually, you have enough money for all those 4 you've listed if you are willing to fork out the extra for shipping. :p

Those are all great movies!

I already own Trigun, Cowboy Bebop (and the movie), Escaflowne, and RahXephon by the way ^.^ I might just have to save up and get them all.

Berserk - $21
Fruits Basket - $21
KareKano - $21
Mahoromatic - $14
Vampire Hunter D - $7
Shipping - $14 (I live in the States and want it fast, hehehe)

Total - $98

I dunno if I can save my money that long. I only get $10 a week. I'll be old enough for a job this summer. Then I can buy anime like crazy. Where do you guys get your cash?
Oops....i forgot that you are getting Mahoramatic.

Hehe....why don't you give it up and get the other 4 then? In my own opinion, the other 4 are better.:p

Save the money on shipping. JJ sends them out really promptly. Why not wait an extra 2 or 3 days for it and get yourself another DVD? 2 or 3 days ain't much of a diff unless it's a matter of life and death. Big Grin Generally, unless there are major holidays around the corner, the anime will reach you in abt a week for USA residents. I get all mine within a week most of time. I'm in California.

Where do we get our money? I guess most of us, even if still in school, have a job. My money? Heheheh grows on the money bonsai in the living room...:p J/K! I work too.
and his and her circomstances
are both good animes both made by GainX the makers of FLCL !

those are my recomendations.

[Image: delphinesig.jpg]

"Lightning strikes only once in the same place, so ill have to get you the first time." -LE


Vampire Hunter D is really bad. There's $7 saved right there.
<a href="http://elotroladodelburro.tripod.com">Website</a>
Dude Vampire Hunter D, at least the SEQUAL BLOOD LUST RULES!!!! You cannot say that aint a good movie, the first one does suck though...terrible animation....No one can miss blood lust though
I have to agree the first D blows but Holy Skite does Bloodlust Rock!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
I've wanted Bloodlust for so long. Saw it at Walmart and begged dad ("How about this 'Shonen Jump' thing. It's only $5!" "Fine dad."). I just want to see both Vampire Hunter Ds so I can get Hellsing!! Vampire anime rules!

As for KareKano and Mahoromatic, I do like Gainax a lot (bought FLCL a long time ago from FX). I could tell KareKano was Gainax just because they looked like Mamimi from FLCL!!! I just have to convince my friend that it's good (he already wants me to get Mahoromatic).

See, I have only one friend (sad, ne?). We both love anime. But he kept buying all the anime I was going to (X, Kenshin, Excel Saga). And he bought the R1 releases!! Arrgh, so we did like an anime draft pick I guess. I call one, he calls one. So now no more arguing! Big Grin Good idea, huh? We pretty much pick which ones the other will buy next.

I think for now I'm gonna get:

Vampire Hunter D
Fruits Basket

I've been looking forward to those. After Evangelion I'm reading for some non-philosophical anime that I can just enjoy without thinking.
You have HOURS of quality entertainment ahead. Those are good choices.Smile
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Yup ^.^ I figure:

Mahoromatic - Fun
Vampire Hunter D - Action
Berserk - Action
Fruits Basket - Heart Warming

I like to keep it balanced.
Just by the way, if I spend $8 instead of $14 for it to ship in the US, it will get here in good time still? I live in Florida so I think I'd better go for the faster shipping, but if it isn't that much faster, I could get another anime!
well i live in ireland and my last order came in a week, although it only takes about 5 days. JJ always seems to post quickly and ive never had any problems with his service, but since you are in the states i dont know if any of this info is useful
see you space cowboy...
I'm sure if it can go overseas quickly it can get here just as fast. ^.^ Thanks!

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