Anyone check out the clearance sale at are selling everything thats on the clearance list for 6 bucks a disc...I Bought all the Lupin stuff on the clearance list lol

PS:Not trying to take business away from this store...
Sshhh, i cant here the subtitles
I checked this out - not bad but most of them are only about 4 episodes a disc , which is really not that good of a deal ( unless you want to buy one to check out a series ) Not sure about the versions of these discs- and there may be some of these with more episodes than i list here-
Just something to think about--
I personally think it would be a good idea to make a Clearence thread, mainly listing what titles are on sale for super cheap and where. Not to cut into I-A's buissness... but sometimes clearence sales are REALLY good.
But that clearance 'sale' only saves you $1 per disc and only on certain titles over IA's regular price. If you factor in the shipping costs if you order a few discs from there, and the rest of what you want from IA, that negates your savings. So I'd just rather place my entire order with someone I trust like JJ rather than splitting it up and really ending up only saving a few dollars in the end.
that, and the only attractive items for sale are the FLCL Soundtracks.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
that, and the only attractive items for sale are the FLCL Soundtracks.

I actually was interested in the Lupin III 1st season boxset. I might end up having to get it from there since I don't think JJ usually has it in stock and noone ever seems to have it up for trade.
vicious you should go for that lupin box set, its a great buy, but im watching for R1 rips of the second season as i hear that the MI aint got the best subs.

also i am very tempted by the flcl sountracks but i wouldnt be much more expensive to pick up the official us releases.
see you space cowboy...
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
vicious you should go for that lupin box set, its a great buy, but im watching for R1 rips of the second season as i hear that the MI aint got the best subs.

also i am very tempted by the flcl sountracks but i wouldnt be much more expensive to pick up the official us releases.

I actually love dubs. But there's 2 problems with this one.

A. I don't think they've licensed the 1st season and even if they have, it's gonna be a long while before they get around to it.

B. I didn't really like how they tried 'modernizing/americanizing' the dub of the TV series.
yea im almost certain that the first season is never being released in the US, im just interested in the R1 subs of the second season cause i hear that they aint the best on the MI and as the series goes on they get worse..... which cant be good.
see you space cowboy...
I ordered the ghost in the shell movie from discountanimedvd a few months ago and i ended up getting the 5th disc of the SAC. So.. i won't be ordering from there again.
That Lupin set now says that it's out of stock and you can't put it in the cart...are they not going to restock then? Usually you could still add it to the cart if it's just backordered. It's a sad thing...
Quote:Originally posted by Owozifa
That Lupin set now says that it's out of stock and you can't put it in the cart...are they not going to restock then? Usually you could still add it to the cart if it's just backordered. It's a sad thing...

Anything that is on their (Discount Anime DVD) Clearance page won't be placed back in stock, it states it on the page. And don't order any Sailor Moon Manga... they just informed me that it is permanently discontinued, after waiting 4 months for volumes 1-7... I only get 3 of them... what a pain... makes one wonder why it is still on their web site since they can't get it...

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