few questions..
ok does anyone know if u can get the full set of Angelic Layer(english) and if u do where.
and also does anyone know of anyother animes like love hina. the romantic comedy type animes..thanks
You want Angelic Layer R1? Hk? VCD? Be more specific. There is no R1 rip available if that's what you want.

There are TONS of anime like Love Hina. Happy Lesson, I My Me Strawberry Eggs, Tenchi, Dual!, etc.
i dont really know what to call it all i know is i want the whole thig Tongue but ya thanks and also if u get bored u can list somemore anime thats good Smile
READ THE FAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate lazy ass noobies that ask stupid questions. why don't you ask for a dubbed rip of Naruto and Wolfs Rain while you're at it.
Yeah, Lazy noobs suck.
There's a reason we call him Vicious.

As nasty as he was about saying this, he's right.
Your questions will most likely be answered in the FAQ.
From what you've written it sounds like the time spent reading it would be time well spent for you.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
The thing I hate most about a thread like this was that if Poklin5634 did a little research like checking out http://www.animeondvd.com they would have found out that not all the R1s are out yet, hence an R1 rip would be not feasible at the moment.
ah sorry guys im new to all this i dont know what anyof ur terms mean or anything so plz give me a break..sorry
Quote:Originally posted by Poklin5634
ok does anyone know if u can get the full set of Angelic Layer(english) and if u do where.

Let's look at your original post. You're looking for Angelic Layer in english. this means that you obviously know of Angelic Layer. And also know that it is available in English. You must have seen it at some rental place or online or somewhere. You also must have only seen like the 1st 2 or 3 volumes of it. So you must know that it's not done being released yet. How would you expect us to magically come up with a complete dubbed set of it?
i just wasnt sure if there was gunna be like 11 or 26 epi of it so thats why i asked..
lets play *poke* the vicious Tongue
Most of the time if a set is only 26 episodes they will wait till they are all done before releasing a Rip set.. since they normally put it on 2-3 dvd's instead of 7 like R1's.. So there is no sence in making seperate releases with just a few volumes.. only for the longer series do they generally release volumes.. but there are a few exceptions.. And i think he has been scolded enough.. but welcome to I-A and hopefully you enjoy your stay here.. ;o) and buy some dvd's
ya Ai Yori Aoshi looks kool so i just got that
Ai Yori Aoshi is cool but I didnt like it as much when it turns into a harem show like Love Hina. The 3-4 episodes are great but it sours after that.

Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi was even worst. I stop watching after the 1st 5 episodes, too much filler and useless episodes.

The strength of that show is Aoi's and Kaoru's relationship and they go away from that

Hand Maid May I enjoyed, good harem anime.

Maison Ikkoku is a must see for romance fans.
is Ai Yori Enishi after Ai Yori Aoshi ?

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