Request for addtional info on review listings layout
One thing I think a lot of people would find very helpful is an additional column on your main reviews listing that stands for "# of reviews". There are a couple reasons for this. First, if a set has a 5 star review, that means a hell of a lot more if 50 people have reviewed it and it's kept a high rating rather than 1 person (who may be biased or a poor reviewer). Also, it lets me quickly see what the most popular set is (which is usually the best one). This info wouldn't have to take up much space on your page, it could just be a simple number in parentheses after the stars, ie ****(6).

Another thing that might help people is if you had the actual picture (instead of that little camera icon) displayed on the main review listings. This would help people who already own a set to quickly identify theirs, and would also help people trying to find a match quickly from an EBay image. I understand that the images are probably not shown so the page loads faster, but maybe you could have user prefs to manage that for people who have slow connections.

Well, that's it for now - I only mention these things because your site is great and I want to help make it even better. Thanks for listening.
Quote:Originally posted by Tortoisehead
One thing I think a lot of people would find very helpful is an additional column on your main reviews listing that stands for "# of reviews". There are a couple reasons for this. First, if a set has a 5 star review, that means a hell of a lot more if 50 people have reviewed it and it's kept a high rating rather than 1 person (who may be biased or a poor reviewer). Also, it lets me quickly see what the most popular set is (which is usually the best one). This info wouldn't have to take up much space on your page, it could just be a simple number in parentheses after the stars, ie ****(6).
This is an easy and pretty good option.. because you are right.. an Item with 10 reviews and high star ratings is better then 1 review with a 5 star rating..

Quote:Originally posted by Tortoisehead
Another thing that might help people is if you had the actual picture (instead of that little camera icon) displayed on the main review listings. This would help people who already own a set to quickly identify theirs, and would also help people trying to find a match quickly from an EBay image. I understand that the images are probably not shown so the page loads faster, but maybe you could have user prefs to manage that for people who have slow connections.
Well the little camera icon doesn't show if a title has an Cover image.. Its there to show if an item has a Screenshot or not. But this could possibly be done using a User Preference.. but I wouldn't want it on by default because of Dial up users.. Also how the listings are broken down.. Some might take alot of space on a page.. So to include this might have to also turn it into pages for listings..
Quote:Originally posted by Tortoisehead

Well, that's it for now - I only mention these things because your site is great and I want to help make it even better. Thanks for listening.

No problem.. thanks for the recommendations..
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
This is an easy and pretty good option.. because you are right.. an Item with 10 reviews and high star ratings is better then 1 review with a 5 star rating..

Actually i relooked at this and this was easier to implement then i thought.. just a few changes since i already had most the information.. but either way it not shows up in the ALT attribute to the Star images.. saying out of # which shows the # of reviews for the item..

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