Great reviews
I just want to bring peoples attention to the reviews that Peter has been posting to the forum lately. They have mostly been Hentai titles but the quality of the reviews is exactly what I like to see.

He goes into just enough detail about the video/audio/subs to make sure you know what you're looking at.

Then he goes into high gear with the extra comments. Anyone who wants to write a review should read one of Peter's reviews just to get an idea of what a great review can be. The majority of his reviews are based on fact contained within a particular title and his opinion is only at the very end of the review once he's given reasons why he might make such an opinion.

We are lucky to have him contributing to our site.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.
I especiall like Femto821's reviews. His Detective Conan part 1 review was the most detailed review I've yet seen anywhere on this site. I knew exactly what I was getting when I ordered it thanks to him.
There's no end to Peter's appetit in hentai. Can have never enough as he would say.
Yes most ive read are quite good... I put up reviews whenever I can, my review name is EngrishMajor

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