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I've heard about import dvds before but never really checked into them until now, I was very happy to find out they are pretty much a copy of the original dvds and made my first order here today. I have a few anime dvds but I knew I couldn't keep up with the high prices of R1s so I never officially started my collection until now. If everything goes well I will be ordering at least once a month from here. This place is wonderful and everyone seems so nice.
A couple questions -
Does this place offer any sort of affiliate program?
Are the subbed-only dvds that haven't been released at all over here (like Hikaru No Go and Full Moon Sagashite) dvd quality or are they the same quality as the fansubs you download that are usually recorded off tv?
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It'll depend, sometimes they do R2 rips, sometimes they are TV rips. There has been lots of TV rips lately though. You'll have to check out the reviews here or you can check out to see if the R2s are available to make sure. If all the R2s aren't out in Japan and there is a HK set of the series you can rest assure that at least some of the episodes will be TV rips
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Not sure about an affiliate program, but I remember reading in an old topic (in my lurking days) that JJ didn't really want the linking of other import sites on the forum, so I assume it's the same on the actual site.
In regards to you other question, it really depends. Some set's are direct rips of the official R2's and have fansub sub's plopped onto them. I also know that there are set's where they are complete tv rips (some tvrips are really good and some are bad). In some cases (like Kiddy Grade by AV), there is a mix of R2 rips and then really bad tv rips (thank god I unloaded my set at a local anime club night). Your safest bet is to check out the reviews.
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12-23-2003, 10:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-23-2003, 10:44 AM by Feral.)
Thank you both.
I'll probably collect all the dubbed first to give the subbed time to either have all their R2s come out or be dubbed.
I figured it up and I would have had to pay about $400 for the domestic dvds of the anime I bought here yesterday for $56. :eek: I got the Ranma 1/2 oavs, Maison Ikkoku, and Trigun Perfect Collection, all from FX. I can't wait to watch Ranma again, it's been a long time, and I've only seen half of the Trigun series. If he sent them off yesterday maybe they will be here by Monday.
By affiliate program I meant I would like to recommend this site on my site and get a small percent for each item that is bought because they came from my site. Maybe this is called something else.
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Some HK's are just about as good as the R1's others are copied from TV rips- but that may be ok if you want it as soon as it comes out- the bad part of doing this is that there usually very poor copies with crappy engrish. check the reviews on a title before you buy, the net has a zillion sites that tell you what they think about HK's dvd's- take advantage of it- I know i had to have witch hunter robin and didnt want to wait for it to released in japan or the us- not a great copy, but a fantastic series. Most of the folks here like either Mac or FX , but hey at these prices- if its not perfect, its not that big of a deal- I just dont like them super compressed so they pixilate alot- Merry Christmas to one and all !
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i think monday is a little too early for it to be delievered, considering that its christmas tomorrow!
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my prices are too low to offer percentage of it goign else where ;p
but if u want to sell items on ebay, then pay me and have it shipped to your buyer while u keep the differance, go for it (just make sure u dont sell something thats out of stock so your buyer wont have to wait)
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Yeah, Monday would be too early, I guess I was just wishful thinking.
When my sister heard of how much I paid for some of the anime she seemed kinda angry because she had already bought alot of the R1 versions. Then she tried to talk me out of buying it because it "wasn't right", which was very cute considering she downloads mp3s and is getting a GBA flash card (where you can download and play the games for free). After she got done rambling about it I said "You know, you make a very good point, looks like I'll have to return your flash card", there was silence for a moment and then she said "That's different!" lol, she's just too cute sometimes. The thing is, she don't believe what I'm getting is high quality and she'll be mad if it is because of all the hundreds of dollars she's already invested in R1s. I explained to her that it doesn't matter that I buy these imports because I wasn't going to buy the R1s in the first place.
Yeah, your prices are the lowest I've found so I see what you mean. After the holidays I might try your idea of raising the prices alittle and keeping the difference. Thanks!
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Yes, import anime's dvds seem to be the cheapest around. Most sellers on ebay are more expensive, but a few are at the same price.
what makes this place the cheapest is its flat rate delivery cost
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 I am actually really glad that I found this website accidentally. Was doing a search on import animes because I do know that they are cheaper than R1s but those on Ebay are too much of a rip off when they charged at least $10 shipping for a Trigun 3 DVD set and at least $10 for each DVD. Actual shipping is only about US$4. But if the seller is from HK, the shipping is a big rip off coz he/she charges abt 3 times more than it actually is. I bought Escaflowne set from a HK seller, I paid $15 for shipping...ehehe when the package came, dang!, the actual postage is US$6. That was the first time and last time I've ever bought from Asian sellers. 
My classmate's friend used to sell HK animes on Ebay. He bought each DVD for US$3-US$5. When I realised that, was gonna buy from him but eheheh he quit the biz. Said he's too lazy to keep items in stock. There goes my chance of getting anime at cost. 
I have 200+ R1s animes. Dohzzz....freaking expensive, that's why I'm broke every single month. My part-time job isn't really enuff to sustain my anime spending.
After I've found this website, I began buying the import sets. Only when I think they are really good, then would I buy the R1s. R1s are at least 2.5 times more expensive than those sold here. :eek: That's why I'm promoting this website to a lot of my friends. We have a very friendly and helpful seller here and animes at a good price, plus there are reviews for us to check out before getting any of the sets! You can't ask for more!
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i have mentioned this a few times.
Sellers place a high postage and low actual dvd cost because ebay doesn't charge vat on postage, therefore sellers place very high postage which is actually the price of the dvd.
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An update!
I received my order on Monday and have watched all the Ranma oavs and some of the Trigun and Maison Ikkoku. I have to say I was very surprised and happy with the quality of the gatefolds/cd tops and the perfect quality of the shows themselves (except for the 3 second audio lag on the first Ranma oav episode which is no big deal). To the untrained eye these could pass for R1s! This is so awesome and I plan to make another purchase as soon as possible! For years I have wanted these shows but could not bare or comfortably afford to pay the prices they were asking for them.
Thank you soo much JJ! ^-^
<(^-^<) <(^-^)> (>^-^)> ~Kirby happy dance!
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Quote:Originally posted by ouijaouija
i have mentioned this a few times.
Sellers place a high postage and low actual dvd cost because ebay doesn't charge vat on postage, therefore sellers place very high postage which is actually the price of the dvd.
YEAH! I absolutely agree on the high postage. There's these 2 particular sellers on ebay, don't want to mention their ids, for the Rurouni Limited Edition box, they sell at $90 and wanted $30 for shipping first class, which actual cost is only about $4++. I was looking earlier and found that one of them actually wanted $15 for s/h first class for 2 dvd set of his and her circumstances. Long time ago, I emailed to check whether the s/h is for express mail. NOPE, all items are sent either via Media or First Class. Hehhe Total rip off!  Even the HK sellers themselves, charged 4 times the actual shipping coz they thought that the all the buyers did not know the currency exchange rate. I just wanted to find out how much is the shipping actually so I bought a dvd movie from a HK seller. Paid US$6 + $2 insurance(required), in the end, with the insurance, the postage only turned out to be US$2. *shrug* Ever since then, I don't want to deal with HK/Asia sellers anymore. :p
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Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
my prices are too low to offer percentage of it goign else where ;p
but if u want to sell items on ebay, then pay me and have it shipped to your buyer while u keep the differance, go for it (just make sure u dont sell something thats out of stock so your buyer wont have to wait)
God, Joe is badass beyond words.