Problems With FX stuff lately
Is it me or has there been a rash of issues with FX disks? For example, I bought Fx berserk when it was released and I think it was disk 3 that would not play from a certain point on, the DVD players i tried made a horrible noise when it reached a certain part of the disk (which ultimately I was able to remedy by working on the spindle hole with a pen first then a hobby file). I also am having similar issues with the Kai Doh Maru disk, this time it sounds like it is off balance in the player and will not boot. After getting frustrated with that one I fell back to the new DNA^2 set and disk one skips and hangs all over in the first 2 chapters (this one could be my players since I only tried 2 players this time). Has anyone else experienced these issues or am I have a string of bad luck.

Players I have tried:
Apex 660 - region free hacked
Sony 300 series
Onkyo integra DPS 5.4
Toshiba dvd-rom
plextor dvd-rw

P.S. JJ has been awesome with the service on getting the replacements, I was just curious to see if I'm the only one with the issues.
Well he said he changed factory plants, so the quality should be better
yah my FX berserk did the same damn thing, like half way through episode 17 (i think) it just wouldnt work on my ps2 so i had to watch it on my DVD player down stairs and it finally worked. same with the Masamune Shirow movie collection by FX and Read or Die from FX, the very end of the last episode is all jumpy and messed up. i have also had problems with a few MAC sets as of late. Iria and The hakkeneden:legendary dog warriors also dont play and make that weird noise your talking about. Who knows what the hell is goin on but hopefully it gets better and fast.
im sticking with the big MAC for now... mmm calories! :o
Never is ever forever...

[Image: inuyasha.gif]
I have the same problems with one disk (Third disk) of my FX Escaflowne set, all other disks seem to play fine, but this disk wobbles in the player (that is probably the sound you are hearing from your machine when you play it) creating a pain in the ass noise and usually forcing the disk to stop. I thought it might just be a fluke, but seems others are having the same problem. Its usually from using cheapo disks that aren't balanced properly from what I've seen before, but maybe I just got the bad apple...
Escaflowne does seem to be one of the top sets with errors. I can play all the disks fine but often hear ppl say the same disks will not work on the second layer. Compatibility issue probably.
Yeah, my standalone DVD player sometimes can't play the 2nd half of the episodes on the FX (remastered) Escaflowne disk when the if the machine is hot (ie watch the 1st half episodes progressively til the 2nd half episodes). Happened to all 3 Escaflowne TV disks. No problem to play the entire Escaflowne movie disk when the machine is hot though. I recall I was swearing at that time.
I did have problems with Berserk (after ep. 5, it won't load anymore), Read or Die (messed up pictures during the last 5 minutes) and some others won't load, just like Berserk. Kept getting error msg.
Well, these problems occured when I tried it on my 4 expensive dvd players. However, I bought the cheapest Apex dvd player after hearing good reviews abt it, the dvds did finally load up on it. Not much problems after that, just once in a while the pictures hang for couple of seconds. Hehe....the cheapest stuff isn't always the worst stuff. Big Grin
I bought abt $300 worth of anime from JJ yesterday and today. I'm just hoping that they would have no problems at all. Don't want to drown myself in the toilet if they have problems. mum would kill me if she knows how much I spent on 'non-perfect' dvds. :mad:
hmmm most of my FX stuff gets messed up in the middle of most dics and quit playing or just get all messed up and stop. ill try an apex but if that doesnt work out fx can bite me. FX used to be a good source what a shame.
It's all EVIL!!
Far as I recall I've had no problems with any FX things on my Apex AD-1500, except for that ROD remastered, I do seem to recall having a bit of an error with images during the last few minutes.

So apart from the ROD thing, I've had no problems running any or all hk dvds, and my friend has an Apex AD-1500 as well, and far as I know he hasn't had any problems running anything he gets either. He also can run dvd-r's and dvd-r/w's without the slightest problem I believe.
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Regarding Escaflowne, when i tried the MI Rip of the FX version there was the same problem. Lesser players tend to have problems around chapter 24 when it changes layer.
I have problems with my Hellsing FX ( the last episode ) freezes , so I popped it in my sons X box and the last episode plays their. and now Im having a simalr problem with Outlaw Star , it froze on me twice now and Im only threw episode 6 , its funny that they give me different problems in different dvd players,( have two plus the dvd player on the computer and my sons X-box ) up to now I can get them to play in something thats here. Wish they played well in all players. Fx might want to look at that. They use to be up on top. Im just about ready to change my opinion of them , lately Mac stuff has been better ( at least for the ones Ive been buying )Big Grin
The only advice I can give is my post in this thread. I dunno if it will be any help, but the FX disc problems usually amount to "That's just the way it is."
I agree with your thoughts- as long as it plays on something, who can complain-( especially when you can buy a complete set of 26 episodes for 21 bucks- thats cheaper that one r1 disc which can run around 30 bucks ) wish everything in this world was pefect, but its not-Big Grin

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