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I just recieved Fruits Baskets (FX), this marks my first FX set (I've been getting MAC sets since I began to collect *cough* imports). Anyway, the three DVD's came in a three seperate paper sleeves that were inside the wrapping but outside of the box. When I removed them from the sleeves (I ripped the sides of the paper, to prevent any scratching) the latter two DVD's had a few scratches along it. I'm kinda anal about my discs being scratched and I'm wondering if this is standard practice for FX releases. I haven't tried to play them yet, but I'm sure they'll work fine. I'm just wondering if all my FX discs will be pacakged this way.
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I've recieved four DVD sets from Fx and all of them have been packaged with the disks wrapped outside the box in their own paper sleaves.
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Thanks for letting me know. I wish they would package them inside the box. I know I'm being fussy, but I like to have my discs (be them cd's, games or dvd's) unscratched. It's fine though, as long as the play is not effected (which I doubt it will). Thanks again.
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They always package them this way, and it's actually better that they do. The other way, you always have a chance of them getting loose inside the box or gatefold and then they really get scratched up. i seriously doubt that that little sleeve can scratch up the discs very much at all.
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The thing that scratche's most FX dvd's isent the transport but the people who get the items
A lot of people don't have the pasients to open the well packed FX mail packages, so they use a cutter, only to find oud when cutting into the package, they accidentaly cut into a disk

Did it one's ( lucky the disk still played perfect

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Forgive me if it sounds like the DVD's are badly scratched, there are light scratches. Also, I have yet to cross a MAC set that had any scratches due to the hubs being too loose. Maybe it's due to MAC and AV' m-locks (don't know if that's the proper name). It doesn't mean that there aren't any that have been scratched up due to this, but in the 8 or so sets I have, I have yet to recieve a scuffed or scratched disc. I think it may have got scratched as the person/machine was inserting the disc's into the sleeves. I tore (more like unfolded) the flaps at the sides, so I know it wasn't I who caused the scratches (they are on a different side as well. It's no big deal, my big concern was if my set was new or not (since I'm new to buying FX sets) and I was wondering if this was a return of some sort. Either way, I am very happy with the quality of the sets either way (wow there plastic sleeve things are a much tigher fit than the MAC/MI/AV sets). As long as it doesn't effect the play I can live with it (but I'm still picky about scratches, I'm an idiot, I know). Maybe packing it this way saves them money, maybe it really is safer and my disc's were scratched due to a packer/machine error. Maybe I should shut up now.
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I noticed that they were these weird discolourations on the bottom of my Fruits Basket FX DVDs, like one part looks more cloudy than the other one and you can see a clear line distinction between them. I really haven't had to chance to check them out yet though,I played the 1st DVD for like 5 minutes and it was OK. Gonna have to watch the DVDs soon to see if they work well.
I had MAC DVDs get loose from the DVD holder numerous times but they dont seem to moved about alot so their arent any scratchest . In one MI gatefold I had the holder like exploded as soon as I opened the gatefold, now I have to put that DVD in a jewel case.
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I don't have any scuffs or cloudy marks. Just light scratches. I've watched everything on the first disc and it's fine (no skips). The first disc is the only one without scratches. The second disc (I only watched the first half of the disc) has only one problem so far. During the tenth episode, during Kyo and Haru's fight, at the moment that Yuki says "I wouldn't want to get in there way" or something like that, the video stops and skips, freezes (along with the subtitles) and jitters for two seconds or so. I rewound it and played it about 4 times and it happened each time. Not sure if that's due to the scratches or just the video. My dvd player is good though, I learned that if I rewind back to a part I want to see an pause it for a minute or so it will "pick up" the video missing during a skip due to scratches and play it perfectly. It's a hassle, but if it's due to a scratch, I'm still content with my set. If it's possible for you to check this for me, matthewmalay, I'd be happy to know whether or not it's a problem with the disc or just a transfer error (although due to the problem being fixed by my dvd player, I suspect it's the scratches fault).
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Did a quick check and it looks fine to me. I used my PS2, the least reliable DVD player I have and my DVD-ROM. Was it around the 34min35sec mark?
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Around there. I know it was before 35 mins. Thanks for checking. I just rewatched it. Happened again, so I'm assuming it's due to the scratch. Not a big problem, I can live with it. If this keeps happening I'll get upset, but it was only a second and if I go back and pause for a few seconds my dvd player can read it and play the scene again without problems. Tried it on my dvd-rom as well and it happened too.
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Hi, my berserk dvds were packaged that way.
I didn't have a problem with them. please tell me what fruit basket is like?
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I like it when they come on the outside wrapped in paper- it keeps them flat- and because they package them like that its probably cheaper for FX to make them that way- its a quick visual check for them that everthings OK- besides those little bugger are alot sturdier that you might think they are- I ordered a R1 a few months back and it came out of the insert ( in the box ) and scratched the he-- out of it.
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Sometimes Flora packages the disks inside the boxes and that is usually when they come loose and get scratched in transit. And if you are not careful when you open the gatefold it will come tumbling out and run for freedom.
Perfect Collections like the Gundam Wing Set and Tenchi Perfect Collection has the disks inside the cases since they would not fit in the slip case if they had the disks outside the gatefolds.
The disks were inside as well for the DNA sets i ordered.