Everyone seen Matrix Yet?
I hope everyone has seen the matrix yet, for those that haven't, go see it! For those that have, see it again, because I can't sleep at night knowing that Disney's Finding Nemo is #1 grossing movie of the year ~_~
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I saw matrix revolutions this morning and i must say it was almost as dissapointing as the 2nd one...now don't get me wrong, it looked great. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .did i mention it looked great?

Maybe it's that i don't think keanu was a believable enough messiah for the human race or maybe i'm just too nitpicky when i go to see movies...but if I saw what trinity had seen when neo was wounded (if you've seen it you know what i mean...if not i don't want to spoil it for you) my reply would have been alot more than just "oh neo" i would have freaked the hell out first. Of course i was'nt expecting great acting; just some good eye candy which is what i got and think i deserved after sitting through the boring talky-talk of the 2nd movie. Anyways...i enjoyed all the movies but the first one was the best. It just did'nt seem to need to rely on the computers for so much of the movie as the other two did. I guess i'll stop there...if anyone has any other thoughts on the subject or think they could change my mind let us hear it.

Thanks ^_^
I think the problem is that people expect too much of Matrix... the first movie blew everyone away and everyone wanted the same blown away feeling from the other 2...
Haven't seen Nemo nor Matrix 3 (Nemo starts here next week or so), but I guess I'll like Nemo better. I thought the other Pixar movies were very entertaining.
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OK then i saw the movie on the day it came out 5th of November and i was like huh? whats this then? eh wheres the storyline going?
This film was tooo rushed into making it, and whats up with the storyline? This had excellent battle scenes but didnt blow me away because the storyline was too draft and to cover it up they over spent alot of CGI on this one rather than the previous two.
My Life Is Incomplete.....
For me, Revolutions was a great movie, an excellent way to finish the Matrix story!

I think what some ppl might have not noticed is that Matrix Revolutions is not supposed to be a "third and final installment" in a trilogy. There was never a trilogy. Revolutions is merely the continuation of Reloaded. That's the exact reason why there is no summary of what happened in Reloaded at the beginning of Revolutions. The movie simply picks up right where Reloaded ended. I think this is what the brothers inteded to do in the first place and this is the reason why both Reloaded and Revolutions were filmed together.

Reloaded might have brought up a lot of questions, but it was simply due to the fact that the movie had not ended. Maybe if some of you sit down and watch both movies together, you will then gain a sense of "completeness".

As far as I am concerned, every single question that might have surfaced after watching Matrix Reloaded was completely answered by Revolutions. To paraphrase the punch line of the movie "Everything that has a beginning has an end" and Revolutions certainly ended the Matrix saga.

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