What are people watching now (series)?
Am finishing FLCL tonight! 1 ep to go! Still watching X as well !!!
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
hey i just finished furi kuri too Smile i'm watching jungle wa itsumo hale nochi guu deluxe mostly though.
Yay...my first post to the forum. The series that I'm waiting to come in is the TV series for El Hazard as well as the Ruin Explorers Movie. I'm also waiting on episodes 1-95 of Rurouni Kenshin series, that I have ordered. I'm pretty sure Ruruoni Kenshin will keep me busy for a while. I've already seen the first part of Rurouni Kenshin from a friend of mine and it definitely ranks high in the enjoyability category. I just finished up the Blue Seed TV series, Trigun, Hellsing and Kimaguri Orange Road : Summer's Eve within the last week or two due to the fact that my roommates were watching them, so I was actually stuck sitting through most of it straight through...If anything I recommend all those titles. They were excellent, and the Kimaguri Orange Road one was better then I thought it would be. I actually want to see the series to KOR now because of the movie.
The KOR movie will definitely make alot more sense after you've seen the series. I saw it before the series and was kinda lost. I'm trying to finish up the series now and plan on going back and watching the movie again so I can fully understand what was going on.
Well I have been sick as a dog as of late, so that means I have had time to watch alot of anime. I have four episodes left on my last One Piece set to go (finally Ace at last animated!). I have also watched the first twelve episodes of Hikaru no Go. Matthew you were so right (like I doubted you in the first place)! I has followed the manga every step of the way. So far the only thing that I wish would have been different would be the voices of all the foriegn charaters, but it is still great! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What foreign characters? All the foreigners I can think of appear later in the show. A funny thing about the chinese and korean characters from the show, they all have oriental features while the Japanese characters have more caucasian features, I found that funny.

Yeah the series is very close to the manga, I'm at episode 61 now and its stills follows the manga exactly.
Hey guys! I don't have a hell of a lot to say this time except that I'm illegally posting at work. Wink hehe. Anyway, last night I finished up Eikouden which was pretty good, although I think it could have been a lot longer. I'm still watching Gundam Wing as well, am on episode 30. I gotta say, although I'm enjoying the plot, I'm not liking it as much as I hoped I would.. It seems to me that there's so much going on that there really isn't a lot of time for character development. Ah well.. Hopefully I'll start Nadesico tonight or tomorrow. =) Almost time to get the hell out of this place, woo! Gonna log out now. Wink
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
nice, I post at school, :mrgreen:

havnt watched much lately, mainly because when I started to my father kicked me out of the house, so I went to my friends and played halo, :mrgreen: and now I am back and am about to eat dinner, mmmmmmmm... keilbasa...
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Rich kids get kicked out of their houses too? I thought that just happened to us po' folks. Confusedweatdrop:

I've just been catching up on stuff I've had for awhile now. I've basically been watching alot of Slayers episodes today mixed in with the occasional Ranma and Maison Ikkoku.

Suzaku, I'm glad you locked that other thread, cuz the guy was being a jerk. I saw the post but didn't know the answer, so didn't post anything and then he decides to get all sarcastic on us.
Quote:Originally posted by "matthewmalay"

What foreign characters? All the foreigners I can think of appear later in the show. A funny thing about the chinese and korean characters from the show, they all have oriental features while the Japanese characters have more caucasian features, I found that funny.

Yeah the series is very close to the manga, I'm at episode 61 now and its stills follows the manga exactly.

The american guy during the part ****SPOILER**** where the american goes to japan to play in the go tounaments. It is the part where everyone is looking for the mysterious internet player Sai. ****SPOILER END****

I finished all of the One Piece that is out (except the third movie). It is sad now. :oops: Cry Cry Cry Confusedweatdrop: Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin :mrgreen:
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
That was later in the series, I was thinking of only the 1st 12 episode.
Not much later. I think it is like episode fifteen. I'll check it out! Big Grin
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well I'm watching GI Joe at the moment, I should be watching Ranma but the 2nd disc was screwy so I'm waiting for Junkie to send me the replacement, but I saw an ep of Chobits whcih was nice
that reminds me that I need to get ranma one of these days, but I dont even want to think about it because I am currently broke now that I am buying Gundam X from SideSwipe and there is so much I need to get already
Live life the way you want to, but one day, you might not wake up, and we all know why......

[Image: optimisticox.jpg]
Finished watching MAcross in 2 days. 36 episodes in two days. I just couldn't stop watching it. It was so good.
[Image: Cast7.txt]

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