Family Guy
Actually, the first box set had Seasons 1 and 2. The new one has Season 3.

Oh, how I love Family Guy. But Fox killed it, just like Dark Angel with those darn crazy timeslots. Never knew when it was coming on. Now they want it back now that CN has it. Funny huh? But sure, let them have it. On one condition. NEW EPS.
Quote:Originally posted by NVash
Oh, how I love Family Guy. But Fox killed it, just like Dark Angel with those darn crazy timeslots. Never knew when it was coming on. Now they want it back now that CN has it. Funny huh? But sure, let them have it. On one condition. NEW EPS.

Yeah Seth McFarlane wants to do Family Guy again and Fox may be picking him up for new seasons of the show. I think according to the stuff on that web site I listed, Fox is allowing Seth McFarlane to create a new show. They're in the works making a pilot episode for the show, though I can't remember what they called it. If anything Family Guy will be funded by Fox and it will either go on air or new seasons will just be available on DVDs only. Either way I'll watch them. Family guy is awesome. Must have family guy!! *_*
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
So it ended at 3 seasons? Damn, this kind of show I imagined would have gone on for at least 5.

Well, guess I'll watch reruns over and over.
All because fox was too worried about being PC, and not worried enough with what they were airing. I have been a fan since the first episode of Family Guy aired. It catches you off guard which is just what I want a show to do. Right when I think everything on TV is complete bullshit with the politically correct garbage, a show like Family Guy comes on and changes my mind. I think that Family Guy is my favorite show. Period.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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