Family Guy
god I love this show.

Does anyone else watch it, or am I alone?

It jokes are always so creative and spontaneous, makes me want to go grab that Family Guy season 3 boxset that just came out.
Stewie is my HERO!!!
Quote:It jokes are always so creative and spontaneous, makes me want to go grab that Family Guy season 3 boxset that just came out.
I already did my grabbing. Smile
Hehe Smile
Same here.. I ordered Season 3 of amazon already.. ;o) I love Brian and Stewie
Oh yeah me and lots of my friends are avid fans of the series. It's one of my all time favorite cartoon series. I don't have the DVDs yet, and almost all my roommates want to buy all the seasons. A friend of mine has all 3 seasons and there's a show on the 3rd Season that they pulled and didn't show on air. The episode was called Wish Upon a Weinstein. If you watch it, you're like it's just as edgy as something on South Park, so what's the big deal..but you have to think of the time frame when Family Guy came out, so this episode was really controversial. Thing is the producers allowed the making of the episode, but once it was supposed to air, they pulled it thinking it was too much to put on public tv. You'll have to see it lol. All I can say is...Jews. ^_^ Thing is Ben Stein even did voice acting for the episode and he's a Jew himself. Ah well. It's still classic and can only be seen with the 3rd Season. There's my sales pitch! So go buy it!!

Apparently Fox may be bringing Family Guy back on air due to the huge ratings on Cartoon Network and the phenomenal sales from the DVDs. There's also something about a Family Guy movie coming out.

Read the Latest News part a little ways down on this web page to see what I'm talking about.
If you are reading this, you obviously have nothing better to do with your time.
Yeah I dig that show its awesome!!! I use to watch it on Fox but yeah then Fox started getting stupid and cancelled the show. I'm just glad its on Adult swim now and people get a chance to watch the brilliance of that show. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I've been watching Family Guy since it aired on Fox. At the time it came out I wasn't allowed to watch it, but i did anyways. I've got season one on DVD, but I don't have to money saved yet for the others. I love Stewie...that's the kind of guy I wanna marry one day... the homicidal maniac bent on world domination. Oh, think of the fun I'll haveBig Grin
The monkey with the most
it's good....the end.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
The DVD sets are still edited for some stupid reason. :mad:
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
Same here.. I ordered Season 3 of amazon already.. ;o) I love Brian and Stewie

YEAH!!!Big Grin
OMG Suzakuseikun I love you avatar, and the picture you have for your signiture thingy. I love Inu Yasha so so so very much. Though I've yet to get the last disc in the series, so I don't know how it ends.Sad I'm going to get it saturday though i hope.
The monkey with the most
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
OMG Suzakuseikun I love you avatar, and the picture you have for your signiture thingy. I love Inu Yasha so so so very much. Though I've yet to get the last disc in the series, so I don't know how it ends.Sad I'm going to get it saturday though i hope.

To my knowledge it's still ongoing in Japan o.O They're at like, 140.
[Image: ShinnSig.jpg]
[ #Uke-Fansubs current projects: Gundam SEED Destiny ]
Yeah, but like the last disc they released in th US up to now.
The monkey with the most
I love that evil monkey in Brian's closet. Hahaha.

I really didn't expect to like the show as much as I did. It's on Adult Swim? oooo.....

One of these days I'll get that DVD set....

Stewie IS hilarious.
I have the first season. I wish I had some money to get the other 2.Sad
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"

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