About the Price...

I know it seems like a really, really, really dumb question, but I've been browsing for a while now through the store, FAQ and the forum, not finding the information I wanted.

I was wondering if the prices were in canadian or american currency...
:confused: Since the store is based in Ontario, I would truly love to assume it's canadian! In that case, it would be soooo cheap, I'd absolutely have to buy the DVDs I want right away...!

(Yes, I'm new... And I apologize if it was written or hinted somewhere obvious because I clearly missed it.) Rolleyes
The prices are in US funds.

I wish it was in Canadian funds, it would be too cheap but still, the prices here are great and I can't complain about them.
Most of the HK DVD sets here are much cheaper than other online stores. Man...I wish it is rupiah (Indonesia currency). Big Grin Heheh..I doubt that they would be willing to sell it in Canadian dollars. Who doesn't want to sell it in British pounds or American dollars?:p
I agree this is probably the cheapest place to find HK dvds!
http://www.aboutheroes.com Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
Yes, I totally agree! The prices are more than fairly decent.

Still, it would've been a true giveaway in $CAN...

However, the shipping is quite cheap for me... Yeah! Big Grin

I'm so used to paying tons of cash in S/H and taxes... Well, thanks everyone for the information! I'm really grateful for your fast replies.
wrong, this is the cheapest site for hk anime dvds on the net, believe me ive looked. plus the staff are all nice guys! Big Grin
see you space cowboy...
Yup! I agree that they are really nice people. Plus the deliver is really fast too. I usually get items from Canada after 2.5 weeks from the day I place my order. However, I get my items from this website within a week! :p They are really prompt about sending out your items.
I agree and disagree with your statements. I think JJ is the cheapest prices on the net. The shipping is not the fastest though. But that's not really JJ's fault, since he's located in Canada and it gets caught up in customs and stuff. But at these prices, can you really complain?
I always get my stuff in 2 business days. I usually order stuff at night but if I would order stuff earlier in the day I would probably get it the next business day. It helps to be in Canada also though.

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