Ole school cartoons
Me and my friends were sitting around one day just trying to remember ole school cartoons we used to watch as a kid like you know He-man, She-ra, Snorks, Shirt Tales, Mighty Mouse, Danger Mouse, The Wuzzles lol, but no one in the whole group remembers Banana Man. Geeky kid turns into yellow super hero when he eats banana. Man I think it was on same channel as Danger Mouse lol..I think Nickelodeon...it was lame show but no one remembers it. Now that I think about it I can understand why. If you guys can think of others that might jog a memory nerve list it here. I'd love to bring it up next time I'm over at my friend's house. We named a lot more I just don't remember all the titles we said.
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Son of a bitch I remember BANANA MAN man that was goofy, I think you were right with Danger Mouse and maybe even Count Duckula,hmm as far as old school cartoons man lets see the TigerSharks is one that comes to mind.
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LOL. I remember Count Duckula!!! Oh man how could I have forgotten that!!
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I'm not as old as you guys, but I faintly remember the Wuzzles...And I love mighty mouse!!!!! Wienerville(sp?) is one that comes to mind when i think about these things... Nickelodoen aired it i believe.
The monkey with the most
by god, i want to see voltron again.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
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Rainbow Bright, Popples, Lady Lovely Locks, Gummie Bears and Punky Brewster, the cartoon.

Geez...I used to watch the girly stuff!!Big Grin
I can't remember, did Count Duckula have a british accent or just "bigger-than-a-bread-box" Nanny? I also remember the Noozles, (with the girl named Sandy and the two genetically-engineered koalas from a parallell dimension, Pinky and Blinky). Smile Remember? And her dad was trapped in this cloud land in a giant bubble. That was so sad. I don't remember: was that series anime-esque or what? Gawd these things oughtta be on DVD. Let's petition FX or something. David the Gnome - Perfect Collection. Hehe Smile
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Need I say anymore?
Kak, Turtles were there for people that are now in early 20....

these guys are talking about cartoons that were their childhood heros when they were kids who are now in their mid 30s hehe Wink

so I think we are excluded from this exclusive-male-cartoon-bonding thread Wink
*.* I'm not in my late 30's!! LOL. Though you're more then welcome to put stuff. I'm in my semi-mid 20's ^_^. I don't recall anything called the noozles. Though I do remember a cartoon with a Koala in it. I remember one with monkeys too..like whole pack of em...I just can't remember the name. There's also one with this caveman like dude...and no it's not Captain Caveman lol, He had like these 3 animals and they were with a kid and woman. They were kind of like dinosaurs, one was on the ground and shot stuff through his head, and one flew and could shoot something out of his mouth I think. And there was this rock gorilla dude. AHH!! I can't remember the name!! I know about David the Gnome lol. I remember stuff like Teeanage Mutant Ninja Turltes, Toxic Avengers, Pac Man, Ghostbusters, Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, Super Mario Brothers, Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego LOL. I even remember the girly stuff! Can't forget about Care Bears!! I know there's a lot more and they'll come to me eventually. Most of those are old school but still pretty "new". I'm talking about toons like 15-20 years ago in general around that time when I was a little kid. Man, those were the good old days. Also just to add. Anyone here remember collecting Garbage Pail Kids Stickers. Those things were awesome!!
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Hey Tripp, that series that you're thinking of.. Was it Herculoids? I used to like that one. It was on Hanna Barbara's world of super adventure. With like Johnny Quest, which I always hated.. And fantastic four..And some other ones that I can no longer remember. Wink And of course I was an otaku without realizing it as I loved Search For The Cities of Gold or whatever it was called on nickelodion.
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*.* oh! Yeah! It was Herculoids!! LOL! THat's it!! Search for the Cities of Gold. I think I vaguely remember that on TV. Though it's kind of hazy. The title sounds familiar though. I forgot about all the Hanna Barbara stuff. Like Grape Ape...Huckleberry Hound, Hong Kong Fuey! I think they still show some of that stuff on Cartoon Network.
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Ok I got one the damn Pawpaw bears or something like that came out the same time the new smurf advetures did, but they summoned their totem pole whenever danger was around. And of course the snorks.
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Care Bears, Wuzzles, Smurfs, Gummie Bears, GI GOE, Transformers, He-Man, She-Ra, My Little Pony, The Last Unicorn, those classic Disney's cartoons..............The tomato sucking Count Duckula Big Grin I practically grew up watching cartoons, ehehhee just that getting so ancient now that my brain is deteriorating too. Those were the good old days! Cool

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