glitched disks in Yugioh pt 3 and 4
Greetings to all. Let me introduce myself with a pitiful plea for help.

Has anyone encountered unreadable disks in the Manga International box sets of Yugioh? Disks 2 and 3 of Part 3, and 1 and 2 or Part 4 won't read in any of my DVD players. Whatever the problem is, the replacement disks that the seller sent me also have it, so it isn't something simple like shipping damage. The seller assured me that the replacements worked in his players, but I don't think it's a Region code problem since my iMac, at least, should recognize that.

There is an odd file on the unreadable disks that the readable ones don't have (VIDEO_TS.VOB), but even when I copy the files, take that one out, and reburn the first half to a DVDR it still won't play. This, despite the fact that the .vob files themselves are all readable.

So I'm at a bit of a loss. Literally. Does anyone have any experience with similar problems?
Manga sometimes has bad discs like that, I'd try cleaning it and trying it on a different DVD player. If still nothing, try contacting who you bought it from.

And in the future, for Yu-Gi-Oh, ALWAYS get AV's! Not MI's!!
I had a similar problem with my ayashi no ceres set but they played on my PS2 of all things. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
I'll remember to look for AV instead, then; thanks!

And, in the great tradition of technological gremlins that disappear as soon as you call for help, I've managed to play the wretched things using PowerDVD. I'd almost forgotten I still have a copy of that program--wonderful bit of software.

Now, if I could just find a commercial DVD player that works as well as PowerDVD...

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