Love Hina Again English Dub?
Can anyone verify if MAC has put out an English Dub Version of Love Hina Again?
Thank you.
The R1's of Love Hina Again haven't even been released yet from Bandai, so I'd guess no Wink

Love Hina has some of the best Japanese voice actors though, Bandai really botched the dubbing on it with the most terrible cast they could come up with despite the great dubs they have done in the past. You wouldn't want to see the dub of it anyway, it's so much better in Japanese.
September 9th is when LHA will be released on R1.

And yes, the Love Hina dub really sucks, I don't even think hardcore dub fans can stand 2 minutes of it.
Amen to that Love Hina dub sux azz, I think Keeanu Reeves could have done a better job voice acting. Yikes maybe that is pushing it, dude. Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!
thank, what good dubs are out there on import?...
I must say I thought Fushigi Yuugi had really great dubs. With the exception of Miaka... It's a good series, you should pick it up
Hope- it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness ~The Architect
Angel Links is pretty good. Try Zenki Saga too. Don't bother looking at the subtitles. They are sucky for these 2 series. Well not sure abt others coz I mostly have R1s. Just ordered couple of sets from these site this morning. Will tell you abt it when I get them.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
September 9th is when LHA will be released on R1.

And yes, the Love Hina dub really sucks, I don't even think hardcore dub fans can stand 2 minutes of it.

I wish people wouldn't make such comments. I know a lot of people who like the dub, and I'm one of them. I've heard many dubs that were WORSE, like AnC's dub, and Sorcerer Hunter's dub...
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You're the first person I've heard said that they liked the dub

It was just horrible and the majority of people that have seen the dub will say the same thing.
Erm....this is not about the dub for Love Hina. However, generally, I do like dubbed series. I watch with Japanese audio when I have the time (especially during vacation). I don't like reading subs, that's the main reason why I would prefer dubs. Another reason is, I couldn't walk away if I were to watch with Japanese audio. Majority of the time, I would be doing other things at the same time.
I feel the same way about dubs- but with the exception that most of them are really not up to par- my kids have a hard time with subs- my eleven year old loves watching Initial D with me but she has a hard time keeping up with the subs- and Forget trying to watch X (1998 ? version ) The turbo subs give me a migraine , after about ten minutes of that- i head for the tylenol. Now stuff like Cowboy Bebop my whole family jumps up and down when I put that one on- the dubs are fantastic-- Boy would I love to see them make more episodes of that baby-- its the best !!! Smile PuzzleguyBig Grin
You let your 11 year old watch Bebop? :confused:
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