Anime DVDs...
I have a bit of a problem here. My friend bought a DBZ DVD awhile ago and it looked like someone had recorded it right off a broken tape. Im hoping that doesnt happen to me when I buy. But I wanted to know, anywhere besides here that has reviews for DVDs that I can trust?

Sorry if I put this in the wrong forum, but I couldnt think of anywhere else to put it.
This site has reviews for pretty much every HK DVD in existence.
However, make sure you read more than just one review before you spend your cash on a title-sometimes the reviewer might just love the anime so much that he'll "overlook" subtitle issues. OR sometimes the reviewers post reviews before they finish watching their entire set.
And also there can be many releases of one title. Make sure you know which one your buying and verify its quality here. If in doubt about a particular DVD ask on the boards. This site, IA, has the best collection of reviews for HK DVD's on the net. You can also check out arcticnightfall.
Really? Funny, I came from ArcticNightfall, about a year or two ago after they left EZBoard. I dont remember any DVD review there.
use the search function in the forums

Import-Anime is the best place to find HK reviews. Most reviewers here know what to look for and follow a certain guideline when reviewing. I don't look at ratings too much but what was written instead, also you can check out the previous 10 reviews of a reviewer so you can check for consistency and what they thought of other sets that you might have.

Some other sites also have reviews but only for sets they sell (unlike IA which have reviews for all the different companies) and they are not very accurate and most of them are reviews of the show, not the quality of the DVDs

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