IA Chat?
Well as much as I feel for my boy Shibo, I must share for you all the little bit of hell I go thru. I could add about Schultz and Ka-Tril but I think they can speak for them selfs... First let me tell you if you have a skill something that you do in your off time (say engraving) don't tell your bosses in the military. I thanks to some help from Schultz got into making AMV's I am fully addicted. a year ago I was working in the 911 center. Now this means 12 hour shifts nights if it goes my way. But I was working on a Vegeta AMV. I showed it to a friend who was into DBZ and Intial D. He liked...told my Boss TSgt Davis....now here comes the shit down the hill...

Have any of you seen the Bodies hit the Floor video about the military. Well the Fire Chief did and asked in a big wigs meeting if someone in the dept could do something like this for the dept. You guessed it TSgt Davis said I could... well to make tis story short I have since made 4 videos for the Dept 1 for Fire safety week, 1 for show and tell to a Judging panel, 1 for a MSgt's going a way (I kind of enjoyed that except now every one thinks they are getting one hell no) and the last one was 18:18 long video the Chief could take with him to the Chief's Meeting in Dallas and did I get to go oh hell no... (thanks to shultz for helping me finish hell all of them)

So that's my little rant hey to end on a good note every one congratulate Schultz he made the promtion and will be putting on Staff Sgt in a little while... which means he will make more money and that's always good...
[Image: slay6.jpg]
I am known as the Red leader of the Ichi Hentai!
Morg, did u get paid for the video u did for them? u better have otherwise sue for 2 million dollars, I know Rei will give it to you, he's done it before to this NYC emplyee when he was doing his Jury Duty heh
Quote:Originally posted by JunkieJoe
Morg, did u get paid for the video u did for them? u better have otherwise sue for 2 million dollars, I know Rei will give it to you, he's done it before to this NYC emplyee when he was doing his Jury Duty heh

We are in the Miltiary.. we lose all rights to civial due process.. If someone higher rank kinda tells us to do somethign for the "job" then we had better do it.. Or else we might be cleaning the bathrooms with toothbrushes..
Ouch that sucks... tell Morg to make sure he puts his name like a watermark all over the video hehe
I have been thinking about a way to ensure my work stays mine... Schultz any Ideas because it is getting put on the Fire Dept web site for download... Also there maybe some problems remeber how the Video dept taped the Car ripping apart scene. Well it seems it is there job to do these kind of projects and they are going thru the chain with a formal complaint that the Fire Dept did not conslut them first on if they could do the video... Oh but lets not remind them that they have Adobe premmier 5 and I have 6.5... there's would have sucked

But thanks JJ I hope to be able to show you guys my DBZ and VHD AMV's next IRC chat
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
I have been thinking about a way to ensure my work stays mine... Schultz any Ideas because it is getting put on the Fire Dept web site for download... Also there maybe some problems remeber how the Video dept taped the Car ripping apart scene. Well it seems it is there job to do these kind of projects and they are going thru the chain with a formal complaint that the Fire Dept did not conslut them first on if they could do the video... Oh but lets not remind them that they have Adobe premmier 5 and I have 6.5... there's would have sucked

But thanks JJ I hope to be able to show you guys my DBZ and VHD AMV's next IRC chat

Hehe yea i have some ideas how to watermark it.. and with them i would tell them to stfu because its something that chief wanted you to do for him.. Its not something that they have to do.. maybe they are just sooo bored ;o) but you don't have to worry because you got Chief on your side..

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