IA Chat?
Anytime soon?
There already is an IRC chat channel
I think he mwant an official one hosted by Shibo or Schultz.
Yeah its been a long time, and l thought it was great fun the last time l chatted. Cmon how about it?
the IRC chat mod is currently working far too many hours at work and spending the small bit of free time that he does have with his wife. Maybe in a couple weeks, we'll see. This weekend I gotta go shopping on one day with Jennifer, gotta volunteer at the Dragon Boat Festival on the other. So we'll see about the next weekend.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
Speaking of next weekend.. *This* is the kind of luck I have this summer. Ok, so we have a girl on maternity, she's supposed to be coming back next week. She calls me and tells me that since she was sick 4 out of her 6 weeks and didn't get to "enjoy" herself, she's going to go to the doctor and request extra leave so she can stay home at least a couple more weeks. Keep in mind of course that I have been doing her fucking job for 5 weeks and counting.. She's due back one week from today. Now she told me this last week and I didn't think she was serious till my boss announced that he wasn't sure my coworker would actually make it back next week. I, of course, announced to my coworkers how much I hated her and told them exactly what she had told me last week. =P Now, it gets worse. I'm actually doing 3 people's jobs at work since there are 2 girls out on maternity. The other girl who's out used to make up the schedules for work. Now I do that. So we have a saturday schedule. Having worked 3 saturdays in June and 2 in July, I was looking forward to only working one this month. My other coworkers would be working 2 apiece.. The girl who's coming back to work from maternity had volunteered to work next saturday. One of my lovely coworkers who is not pregnant was scheduled to work, and now has a free saturday. So ok, that's cool. Well, now that there's a 50/50 chance that maternity girl is not coming back, she's supposed to take that saturday back. But wait! She now has a friend coming in from out of town! She *can't* work! My other coworker is moving into the condo he just bought! He can't work! That leaves.. ME!!! So, to make a long story short and to complete this post, if my pal who's on maternity decides that she wants to "enjoy" herself and stays out of work longer, I will be working that saturday and there will be no chat that weekend, as I will most likely be spending time with my wife on my one day off that sunday. Life is wonderful...
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
see you space cowboy...
that sucks ass. I would be so pissed off. You need to tell your boss to start looking for other people that are going to be reliable.
Teabagging girls' chins since 1983.
I get pumped when watching porno.
:eek: :eek: Shite!:eek: :eek:

I think that I would be on a murderous rampage, or at least, ask for a raise.
?The louder he proclaimed his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.? - Ralph Waldo Emerson
And that, Shibo my good friend, is why I quit my last job.
You, of course, have a reason to stay because it's a good job and have a family. I quit because it was a shit job and I have nothing to support. My district manager KNEW I was going to leave out of town to go to the con in Boston. I got screwed out of that before our new regular manager took over but they still knew I was taking Vacation anyways. They fired a girl for stealing cigarettes when all she did was lay her pocket book beside a carton laying on the front counter. So then after taking my vacation away they stick me working double shifts for 50 hours a week until they hire some new fucker that's I'd be working double time with until they got the job right which would be at least a second week of 50 hours. QHICH I might ad would be the 4th month of working over time every week in a row. S o I said they could stuff it and haven't had a job since and that has been at least 5 months now.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
Please don't quit your job because of my story!!!!!

I know you wouldn't but needed to say it anyways.
- The Original Lord Of Darkness -
"Ahh The Murthless Laugh of the Damned"
So, my coworker who's supposed to be back from maternity tomorrow comes in yesterday, all cheery, looks great. Then she calls 2 hours later and says her doctor has extended her maternity by a week because her "infection" has gotten worse. So I'll be working 8-8 on friday since we're open late and my other male coworker has the day off.. Can't exactly leave the newbie at work by herself so I get to work bell to bell on friday..Oh, yes.. There's the matter of saturday. I will be working all day. So, erm.. Maybe some day there will be another chat, hosted by me.. But it'll be sometime in september, I'd guess. I'm going to go kick something now. Have a lovely day, everyone.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
What do you do at Chrysler again?
Steve_the_Talking_Pie: Hampsters Bumpin' and Grindin' Since '99.

Region 1: DVD Collection
Work non stop for no time off. Rolleyes

Heh I'm a retail credit analyst.. Which means I approve/turn down car loans.
Shibo -- Buying happiness...One anime at a time

Currently Watching:
Princess Nine, GTO

check out my anime DVD collection ^_^
One of the great things about living in Ontario is the 1 year parental leave we get. It's not just maternity, it can also be paternity leave. Both of which require lots of communication between employer and employee but totally rocks.

For instance, lets say my wife was having another baby (which she's not) and she wants to stay home for the first 7 months. She can then go back to her job (or an equivalent position provided by the employer) and I could take up to 5 months off from my job to stay at home with our child and return to the same or an equivalent job.

No faking doctors notes. Lots of time for a temp to fill in a position. Lots of time for employers to react to the change in employees. And best of all, a fair amount of time to grow with your child and make sure they get the best care during the crucial first year.

In the mean time, Shibo, you have my sympathy. I've done your job for another company and I can imagine what it must be like to be down by three people and have to make up those extra shifts. I actually enjoyed doing collections more than the credit granting... but then again I'm pretty sadistic...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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