07-29-2003, 08:32 PM
This hasn't made it to the third page yet. I bet mine will now that I said it...

The monkey with the most
Any good concerts lately?
07-29-2003, 08:32 PM
This hasn't made it to the third page yet. I bet mine will now that I said it...
The monkey with the most
07-29-2003, 08:55 PM
Yeah sorry, I get carried away a lot of the time, hehe.
![]() Anyway, slightly more on topic is the Godsmack show I forgot to detail: It sucked. Period. The only good point was a rousing performance from From Zero on the dinky little side stage hours before the concert actually started. Then Puddle of Mudd and CKY were on (ewww) and then it was the lamest hour and a half of my life. Aside from watching the concert on video screens, because the stage was so far away, and listening to it through house speakers on poles, Godsmack friggin' sucks. The crowd was full of meatheads beating eachother up. It didn't help that the band was basically phoning it in either. Not at all worth getting Jett from From Zero's autograph. Never go see Godsmack. Trust Me. Still pumpin' "Move Your Feet"... Don't stop... Can't stop... Won't stop... GO!!! ![]()
07-29-2003, 09:52 PM
I'm not a fan of Puddle of Mudd, but I do listen to some CKY stuff. What's wrong with them, or are they just to loud for you, or is it the fact some of their stuff I've heard leans more towards rap.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music. As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
07-29-2003, 10:42 PM
Quote:Originally posted by six_plus_one Jesus man give yourself a break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The monkey with the most
07-31-2003, 03:58 AM
Okay, the new A Perfect Circle song is out so i have cut the Junior Senior crap loose. As for CKY, I wasn't really familiar with them at the time, but I have to say that they truly did suck live. Too loud? Well yeah, because they wouldn't shut the hell up. Every two seconds the one guy was going on about ass-puppets and telling people they were ugly losers and stuff. A funny concept past its prime in no time flat. Besides that they sounded like a local (and crappy) garage band rehearsing, not a kick ass rock band rocking. Don't get me wrong, I like "Flesh Into Gear" hehe.
Oh yes, my friend just got back from some sort of air force basic training in California and is now exclusively listening to reggae. I guess the sun'll do that to ya. I don't mind it, it's a mellow genre, but did he have to buy the "Reggae Party 5" compilation? Hehe, it's perfect for the sweltering heat 'round here though. One last note. I'm thinking of getting my sister two tickets to a Dashboard Confessional conert in September as a sort of really-early Xmas present. I know she likes them a lot and she bought me the Tori tickets so I want to return the favor. The only problem is she has school then and the concert is on a sunday. She could drive herself and a friend, but I dunno if they'd be allowed to go, (there is a cross-state drive involved). I hope I can convince some parents before these things go on sale. ![]()
07-31-2003, 06:00 PM
I wish you great luck on the quest ahead of you. *bows*
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music. As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
07-31-2003, 07:45 PM
six_plus_one, what aleins inside your head made you use the word ya'll?
Anywho, I got bored & took are break from writing some of my short stories, & started back on lyrics. ONE DAY!: I shall publish a book/novel, then get a werid job, & when I'm 55, I shall start a band!
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music. As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
08-01-2003, 07:27 AM
*(Gone on quest. Post delivered tied to the foot of a raven.)*
Oh goody, my sister's loudmouth friends have told her that I am planning "something wonderful" for her Xmas present. Now I'm in it. I must get these tickets without fail. Maybe if I execute some general wheel-greasing in my parents' directions for the next few... hmmm... Either that or I'll just have to get Davey Jones to sing at the high school social, hehe, anyway thanks for the well-wishin'. ![]() Do you think Dashboard Confessional would sell out all tickets? Fast? They seem to generate a lot of stimuli around here. Hmmm... Well I'm off a-questin'! Peace Y'all! ![]()
08-01-2003, 09:38 AM
well any metel or punk rock is good 4 me but i still love bein in my band
![]() ![]()
-The boy's screams excited me far more than yours. --Tomo, Fushigi Yugi
-look me up some time ![]()
08-01-2003, 10:30 AM
A couple of us tried to start a band at school one time. We had everything but Instuments, and the will to learn them. Ask Batz I'm sure he'll tell you more about it than I will:p
The monkey with the most
08-01-2003, 02:45 PM
Hehe, I've been in about six or seven bands to date, some with four or five different incarnations to them. Don't construe this to mean I was in six or seven good bands, however.
![]() The first two were the ones I posted already: the one in seventh grade with the first Danny kid, we were crap, but at the time it seemed pretty ok. This was back when I was just learning the guitar. We played "Sweet Dreams" (the Marilyn Manson version) at a school talent show. Oh yeah, we were called "Scratch-N-Sniff", hehe ![]() The second was one with the other Danny guy, and all the same members except Danny #1, hehe. It was different enough to be an entirely different band though. We played a lot of Nirvana and we actually began to get quite good. Jon, the drummer, always stopped practices to go watch Sailor Moon. We played an original song called "Gondola" at another school talent show. Blew the lid off the joint. We were either called "Fizzure" or "The Dirty Legs" I also worked solo on a project called "The Seven Syndrome" (cool name, ne?) and even got to the point of recording (poorly) 12 or 13 songs to a CD. I think the next one was with Emily. We were a pseudo-funk, goth-celt outfit who actually put together a fair amount of material before eventually drifting apart following a performance at a school talent show, (notice a trend). We ran through quite a few drummers and some fill-in guitarists. We have gotten back together time-after-time but nothing has cemented quite yet. Emily has a great voice, I believe she took traditional jazz choir at one point. She also falls in love with every drummer she meets. ![]() ![]() I was in a few bands for like 30 seconds: a rap-rock outfit with some disreputable locals, a grunge something-or-other with a burnout and a legally-recognized midget, a punk-pop thingamajiggy (for less than 30 seconds) with very tall prep-nerds, and probably others I have blocked from memory. The most promising, yet sadly shortest-lived one was with this kid named Eddy who was in the rap-rock band (with the asshole singer guy) and he semi-defected to start something up with me. Well long-story-short he got sent to school in Mexico, but in the short time we were jamming together we came up with some kick-ass material. ahhh, the memories. For now I am content playing with myself (ummm... hehe) but I think it would be great to get together with some like-minded people and create one of these days. Oh, P.S.: Doesn't look like this Dashboard Confessional concert thingy is gonna fly. Ah well. ![]()
The story of our band(s):
Well basicly skipping to when we finally had a band, & memebers. Our Name: The Four & 1/2 Fu*kHeads Type Of Music: Both Old school, & New school Punk, with very dark lyrics. Memembers: Lead Singer: Jessica E. Maddox- She could sing, & that was the problem. We were a punk band & the lyrics needed to be screamed violently, & by a man most of the time. She was also kind of a groupie of her own band, seeing as though she has had a "crush" on all but maybe one memeber. Lead Guitarist: Heath L. Redifer- Aka My Twin. He was my best friend I guess you could say, err well I spent the most time around him, & could put up with his sh!t. We had a great falling out because he broke one of my major rules, with the list consisting of: Don't waste beer or food, & don't date my close friends. He now dates what used to be my best friend, & last I heard was drinking beer, I'll assume he spilled some, he also had a habbit of blaming me for all problems in his life. As for a memember of the band, well he couldn't play anything, & wanted to write lyrics, but never really came up with anything. Bass Guitarist: Ricky D. Wilson- Ahhh, the old school kid of the band,. He brought to us the darker gothic like lyrics, all about vampires, & riddled like poems. Which then again he also came up with an idea for an entire CD called 'The Life of Gay Monkey" which encluded about 3 out of 10 or so planerd songs, & ideas for a music video. He was also me, & I can't play any guitar, much less bass. Guitarist: Jordan ?. Robertson- Had no talent just like the rest of us, but he had spirit. Actually I think we kicked him out because he left us, & went to another band because they black mailed him. "Join us, or you don't get to smoke with us." Then later he came back to us, & I said ok, & then was told later that WE didn't take him back, therefore he wasn't in the band. Drummer: William ?. Borland(sp?) He gave us our name, but unforchently, he had never touched a set of drums, & later admitted he had no plans to, so he went bye-bye. Also I had David A. Robertson, who was at one time in the band, want to start a band with me. I made him a deal, if his band, our rivals got off the ground before us, sure, & if we got off the ground before them, then I'd take him along, but not untill someone was signed, or the like. Me & him had no name for the band, but we were going to be a hardcore, punk band, like AFI. Everything went to hell, but I still have my lyrics, which will one day be used, & untill then I sit around attempting to write novels, & comic scripts. AAAAHHHH, I forgot Justin! Justin ?. Womach(sp?) He wrote like 2-3 songs for us, & helped write a few others. Even though he was probably the more mainstearm one of us, I acpected him more than most the others. He also had plans to sing with us. If you count TaKisha as a helper, she should be mentioned too. She helped by writing down the lyrics wwhen one of us would start saying sh!t off the top of our head, & then scream hurry! WRITE IT DOWN! Plus she wanted to tour around with us, but that was only because of the memebers of the band.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.
If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music. As-1D R077's temp homepage: http://www.freewebs.com/as1dr077/index.html
08-03-2003, 09:55 AM
![]() So anyways, it's August. Radiohead is in August... ..... ...AAAIIIEEEYYYEEEEEEHAAAW!!!
08-03-2003, 04:12 PM
Hey Batz...it's William T. Bourland, but the rest I don't know. Justin's last name is spelled Womack, one or two "M"'s I don't know. Ohh...Jordan's middle name is Matthieu. Yes, it's spelled that way. Okies, that's all i remember!!!
The monkey with the most
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