Better late than never.
Its been a while since I had a shipment, Anime Studio been really slow at shipping the stuff lately but finally getting stuff in!

As some of your probably heard there is a possible strike thats pending with Canada Post, which effects me greatly since I am in Canada, but what this has done is made me research on other shipping methods.

FedEx Ground, reasonable shipping rates aswell as 3-6 day delivery within Canada and USA, its trackable from time it leaves my hands to time you receive it, I am thinking that many of you would be interested in this service considering that lately the current Small Packet Air Parcel has been taking longer than usual 4-10 business days for delivery for some people.

So with this I put this forward, would Canada and USA customers be willing to pay 8 dollars shipping instead of 6 for FedEx Ground service (International Shipping will still stay regular air post) Please post comments regarding this proposal, if you want or not etc etc...

So here's what we received today:
  • Night Warriors Dark Stalkers Revenge Complete Set
  • Spriggan Perfect Set
  • Dual Trouble Adventures
  • Gundam Wing Perfect Collection
  • Night Walker Detective Complete Set
  • Battle Athletes OAV
  • Gundam Movie Set
  • Fatal Fury
  • Chobits
  • Hand Maid May Perfect Collection
  • Ranma Season 1 and 2
  • Ranma Season 3
  • Ranma Season 4
  • Niea Under Seven
  • Giant Robo
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Final Fantasy Unlimited
  • Betterman Perfect Collection
  • Saber Marionette J
  • Super Gals Kotobuki Ran
  • X TV Series

Again, please give us some feedback on shipping via FedEx!
I would definetly be happy to pay $2 extra for Fed-Ex ground shipping (with tracking number) to the USA.
I hate to sound cheap, it's just that I'm poor, & can deal with slow delivery, heck when I order Trigun from that other guy it took 6 months for me to get it.
Considering most of these guys have jobs I think they'll be willing, & I'll still order from here of course (the only place I order from).

So I guess either way is my feedback.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

As-1D R077's temp homepage:
Yeah, I agree with Batz Kage...whatever the rest of the guys here want, I'll go with, but the thing is that I usually don't order in bulk; therefore, I feel the extra $2...if you feel like it's the way to go though JJ, I'll fork over the extra $2!
Even with the extra shipping the prices here are still cheaper than most so I think it's cool. I was planning to start ordering HK's from here instead of animeniacs and this doesn't change my mind.
Extra $2 if fine, I save far more then that from buying here anyway.
Is Fed Ex as fast as ExpressPost for me?

Damn I want to place an order now but I'll check the news first to see if anything has happened.
I agree; I'm willing to pay the extra $2 for shipping via FedEx. Anything to keep the business going if Canada Post strikes.
I'd pay the extra 2 bucks. Fedex is much better than the US postal service. Our orders would probably come in quicker too.
High School Girls! High School Girls! All For Me! High School Girls!-Fruits Basket
I don't care about an extra 2 bucks. Not one bit. Too bad Excel Saga (the proper) version didn't come in, in time for my birthday. (Which is today!) Tongue So, yeah. I don't personally mind 2 extra dollars.
I'd prefer FedEx, i like their service alot, and the $2 extra isn't really an issue. The tracking number gives you a sense of security, so you at least know where the package is [thats a good thing ^_^ ].

I wouldn't mind paying the extra $2. FedEx is much more reliable and I'd still probably receive an order within 1 business day. Big Grin
I prefer $6, but a tracking number would alleviate a lot of shipping issues. Shipping times have been phenomenal for me when I've ordered in the past so no complaints on the current system. If there's a strike then what other choice will you have. I usually order in bulk and won't feel the shipping increase too much.
Keep yourself marketable...earn an MBA.
I understand your situation- till things are straightened out this would be ok- But I do consider the overall cost when I buy stuff, .Paying more right now is acceptable as long as you go back to the way things are when this over .I will do what I can to keep supporting you if there is a postal strike . puzzleguySmile
don't mind paying extra money for shipping... as long as it's for an anime that i would like to watch... ;D

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